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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline DECEMBER 04, 2020 | The Indian Eye 28
aseI honors eight at
its 33rd annual Virtual convention
Our Bureau
New York
he American Society of
Engineers of Indian Origin
T(ASEI) is hosting the 33rd
Annual National Convention
focusing on Global Engineering
& Technologies (GET-2020).
This virtual convention will be
held on December 5th and 6th,
2020 from 1 pm to 4 pm (EST). Naveen Jain, Jyoti Bansal, Prof. D. Yogi Goswami and Deval Desai
The objective of this event is to
provide a forum to promote and
share advancements related to
latest cutting-edge innovations
and technologies across vari-
ous engineering disciplines. The
convention is expected to be
virtually attended by over 1000
professionals including scien-
tists, engineers, entrepreneurs,
and corporate leaders across
the USA. This two-day event rakesh Patel, Vatsala Upadhayay, rakesh Guliani and sunita Dublish
will feature keynotes and mul-
tiple interactive sessions with
prominent business and tech- low Rama Akkiraju, Magna tent Chair. ers that are predictive of chron-
nology leaders, scientists, media International VP Deval Desai, The convention will end with ic diseases and to adjust the
SBD Automotive North Amer- a finale awards ceremony ses- microbial imbalance through
personalities, educators, policy ica Director Jeffrey Hannah, sion on December 6th at 3.30 personalized nutrition.
makers, and investment bankers. McKinsey & Company Associ- pm (EST). where nine outstand-
This event will be covered by the ate Director Akshay Desai and ing achievers and those who Asei entrepreneur of the Year
local and national media includ-
ing leading social media outlets. Quantum Computing VP Rob- contributed to ASEI growth Jyoti Bansal
The convention will have ert Sutor There will be a Youth and the society at large will be Serial entrepreneur and a silicon
multiple interactive sessions led Technology Exposition (YTE) honored. This year’s outstand- valley technology visionary
for young scientists and stu- ing achievement awards go to
by deep subject matter experts dents from High School to Un- the following: Jyoti Bansal is a serial en-
providing information and in- dergrad engineering during this trepreneur and a silicon valley
sight on many topics related to Asei lifetime Achievement Award technology visionary. An alum
the convention theme. Speak- virtual ASEI National Conven- from IIT Delhi, he believes
ers include Viome C Naveen tion. The objective of the YTE naveen Jain passionately in software’s abil-
Jain, Palo Alto Networks Se- is to provide a forum for young CEO, Viome and Chairman, ity to change the world for the
engineers, students and bud-
nior VP Anand Oswal, Prof. ding scientists to showcase their Moon Express better. In 2008, he founded Ap-
Solomon Darwin of UC Berke- projects in science, engineering Naveen Jain is an entre- pDynamics, an application in-
ley-Haas Center for Corporate and technology topics that can preneur driven to solve global telligence company that was ac-
Innovation, Halliburton Chief grand challenges through in- quired by Cisco for $3.7 Billion.
Data-Scientist Dr Satyam Priya- have an impact on our world. novation. He is the founder of Since then, he founded BIG
darshy, Surbhi Kaul of GM and The convention is put to- several successful companies in- Labs and is CEO & Co-found-
Juniper Networks, Space & Ro- gether by ASEI President cluding Moon Express, Viome, er of Harness, and CEO &
botics Scientist Dr Sreeja Nag, Jwalant Lakhia along with Bluedot, TalentWise, Intelius Co-founder of Traceable - a
Eclipz Chief Information Se- Convention Co-chairs Rakesh and InfoSpace. Moon Express software cybersecurity compa-
curity Officer Matthew Rosen- Patel and Bhavesh Joshi. The is the only company in the world ny. Also, he founded Unusual
quist, Thermo Fisher Scientific Program chair is ASEI Michi- to have the permission to leave Ventures, a new $400 Million
VP & CTO Manoj Prasad, Vice gan Chapter President Vatsala earth Viome is focused on dis- venture capital fund focused on
President and Global CTO, Au- Upadhyay. ASEI Silicon Valley rupting healthcare with the goal helping early-stage technology
todesk Chief Information Of- Chapter President Piyush Malik of “making illness elective” by entrepreneurs.
ficer Prakash Kota, IBM Fel- is serving as Convention Con- identifying microbial biomark- Continued at next page... >>
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