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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               DECEMBER 04, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          24

             GItanJalI raO, 15, named FIrst

         eVer tIme ‘KId OF the Year’ 2020

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    quality research lab when she

        New York                                                                                                      was 10. “It was just that changing
                                                                                                                      factor of, you know this work is
              IME Magazine has chosen                                                                                 going to be in our generation’s
              15-year-old Indian Amer-                                                                                hands pretty soon. So if no one
       Tican Gitanjali Rao as its                                                                                     else is gonna do it, I’m gonna do
        first-ever Kid of the Year 2020.                                                                              it,” Rao added.
        A budding scientist and inventor,                                                                                Asked about her latest inno-
        Rao was among 5,000 nominees                                                                                  vation aimed at preventing cy-
        who were pitted against each                                                                                  berbullying, Rao (15) said the
        other for the coveted distinc-                                                                                service is called ‘Kindly’. An
        tion. From developing an app to                                                                               app and a Chrome extension, it
        tackle cyberbullying to working                                                                               detects cyberbullying at an ear-
        on affordable technology that                                                                                 ly stage by making use of artifi-
        would allow one to ensure the                                                                                 cial-intelligence technology.
        purity of drinking water, for Gi-                                                                                 Gitanjali Rao went further
        tanjali Rao, the sky is the limit.                                                                            to add that her goal has shifted
            For TIME’s profile of her, Gi-                                                                            not only from creating her own
        tanjali Rao was interviewed over                                                                              devices to solve the world’s prob-
        Zoom  by  Academy Award-win-                                                                                  lems, but inspiring others to do
        ning actor Angelina Jolie. Jolie is                                                                           the same. Talking about her in-
        also a special envoy of the United                                                                            novation sessions, Rao told Jo-
        Nations High Commissioner for                                                                                 lie that she follows a process of
        Refugees. “The world belongs to                                                                              “observe, brainstorm, research,
        those who shape it. And howev-                                                                                build, communicate”.
        er uncertain that world may feel                                                                                 “I’m currently working on an
        at a given moment, the reassur-                                                                               easy way to help detect bio-con-
        ing reality seems to be that each                                                                             taminants in water-things like
        new generation produces more                                                                                  parasites,” Rao told Angelina
        of  what  these  kids-five  Kid  of                                                                           Jolie as part of the interview for
        the Year finalists selected from a                                                                            TIME. She added that this project
        field of more than 5,000 Amer-                                                                                aims for an inexpensive and ac-
        icans, ages 8 to 16-have already  beginning of the interview.            Angelina Jolie that she wanted to    curate method that would allow
        achieved: positive impact, in all       Speaking from her home in  research carbon nanotube sensor            people in third-world countries
        sizes,” TIME wrote towards the  Colorado, Gitanjali Rao told  technology at the Denver Water                  to identify what is in their water.

             Progressive lawyer soma syed launches Bid for City Council

                        Soma Syed has a Progressive Vision for Eastern Queens and New York City

        Our Bureau

        Queens, NY                                                               Syed said. “We live in a diverse     are the centerpiece of her cam-
                                                                                  community, so our needs are di-     paign to improve the district.
              rogressive public inter-                                           verse. We need a Council mem-       “Too many of my friends and
              est lawyer, Soma Syed,                                             ber who has the experience of        neighbors have lost their jobs
        Plaunches her campaign for                                               representing people and under-       because of Covid, have little or
        New York City Council today in                                            standing how improving New          no health insurance, have lost
        district 24 covering Briarwood,                                          York laws and policies can im-       their businesses, close to fore-
        Electchester, Hillcrest, Kew                                             pact communities.”                   closure, and are one paycheck
        Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Ja-                                                  Soma Syed launched her           away from homelessness. We
        maica Estates, Parkway Village,                                           campaign website focusing on        need a Councilperson who can
        Fresh Meadows, and Jamaica.                                              a “Justice for All” platform. Her    protect our communities and
           “My entire professional life                                          justice platform on housing, eco-    provide leadership to survive
        has been fighting for the needs                                          nomic, education, environment,       through the Covid-19 pandemic
        of people on the margins,” Ms.                                           healthcare, and criminal justice     and beyond.”

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