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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline DECEMBER 04, 2020 | The Indian Eye 19
Indian americans interact with
congressman meeks in video meeting
Our Bureau
New York
he Indian-American
Community organized a
Tvideo meeting with Con-
gressman Gregory Meeks on
December 2 with Congressman
Raja krishnamoorthi’s help. The
meeting was attended by US In-
dia Security Council President
Ramesh Kapur, Bharat Barai,
Rajendar Dichpally, American
Jewish Community represen-
tative Nissim Reuben, Ronak
Desai and constituents from the
Congressional district of Mr.
Meeks -- Mr. Dilip Chouhan, Dr.
Hari Shukla, Hiren Kumar and
staff of the Congressmen Meeks
and Raja Krishnamoorthy, ac-
cording to a statement from
Rajendar Dichpally (Director
of Communication - US India he was influenced by Mahatma man to Indian Prime Minister control Act so that India is clas-
Security Council), on behalf of Gandhi’s role in shaping a plural Narendra Modi. sified as a NATO plus 6 coun-
Ramesh V Kapur (President world from South Africa and the Congressman Meeks re- try. He predicted that the Con-
- US India Security Council). influence it had on him and his called his meeting with Prime gressman will soon be elected
Congressman Meeks spoke ideal - Martin Luther King. Minister Modi in New York and as Foreign Relations Chair to
about the China challenge and In the question and Answer said he looks forward to going to the House Committee. Con-
also the Pandemic issue and the session, Ronak Desai asked if India again and help strength- gressman Meeks said that he
fact that most of the vaccines will there will be any major realign- en the bond between the two will work with Chairman Adam
be coming from India and USA ment in American policy post democracies. Ramesh Kapur Smith (Armed Services Com-
needs to work with India with a the Pandemic. Mr. Meeks spoke spoke on the support from Con- mittee), Biden Administration
special relationship. He said he about the dialogue that is needed gressman Meeks for increase and Tony Blinken (Secretary of
looks forward to going to India to be continued with China and in Trade relationship between State in Biden Administration)
again and recalled his earlier vis- also said that it was important USA and India. He said that to make sure this law is changed
it to India last year with his elder to continue to work with friends President Obama and Vice Pres- in NDAA 2022.
daughter. like India for a stronger relation- ident Biden had classified India The meeting ended with an
Congressman Meeks also ship as we move forward. Mr. as a Major Defense Partner and agreement that the community
recognized the contributions of Bharat Barai thanked Congress- signed it in the NDAA agree- will engage the Congressman
Indian Americans to USA and man Meeks for his support to ment towards the end of 2016. closely for a better relationship
the role they played in strength- US-India Civil Nuclear deal. He Ramesh Kapur asked for once he is elected as chairman
ening the bond between both also offered to convey any per- Congressman Meeks support of Foreign Relation Committee
the democracies. He said that sonal message from Congress- to operationalize the Export in the House of Representatives.
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