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OPINION DECEMBER 04, 2020 | The Indian Eye 14
realigning america’s Grand strategy:
Biden Will haVe his hands FUll
The strategic partnership between India and the US has institutionalized over the past decade to the
extent that new incumbents at the White House were expected only to perfect the bonding
a. VInOd Kumar while benefiting from the fruits
of democracies, they should not
or all his demeanour as a empower surveillance states,
political and diplomatic which spread hate and spur vio-
Ficonoclast, Donald Trump, lence.
the outgoing US President, will Biden’s Grand strategy
be remitting office with an en-
viable record of foreign policy Biden’s conception of grand
achievements, many of which strategy, thus, is a comprehen-
could cast a shadow on the sive vision that aims at system-
Nobel halo his immediate pre- ic change, driven by the belief
decessor attained for a mere that the foundation for moral
pronouncement of vision. Un- leadership of the world has to
like Barack Obama, who had be prepared at home, including
a tough foreign policy grind and on the world stage.” He has of the US as well. by correcting the principles and
and many setbacks during his argued that security, prosperity Albeit it is clear that promot- structures that have gone awry
eight years in office, Trump, in and values of the US could only ing democracy and restoring in the past few years. Besides
contrast, made new inroads in be advanced by renewing Amer- US clout would form the cen- tailor-made domestic measures
a short period though also dis- ican democracy and its allianc- tre-piece of Biden’s globalism, towards this end with a focus
rupting many existing equations. es, and by being at “the head of this policy activism is likely to on migrants and asylum seekers,
It is in this backdrop of a ro- the table leading the world to rub against transactional rela- Biden promises to pursue a “for-
bust legacy that President-elect address global challenges.” De- tionships that Trump pursued, eign policy for the middle class.”
Joseph R. Biden Jr. would be mocracy, Biden contended, is be it with the House of Saud or Beyond doubt, Joe Biden’s
expected to realign, or from the “wellspring of our power” Kim Jong-Un. Though Hong primary strategic mission will
the perspective of Democrats, and “amplified our leadership,” Kong protestors might have be to ensure a return to the pre-
salvage the US grand strategy and that the ability to be a force cheered Trump’s supportive Trump era in which Washington
from what they perceive as the for the world, starts at home. gestures, Biden, despite having spearheaded the rules-based
damage wrought by Trump in While various steps to ‘rein- a measured approach towards global order as the reigning he-
four years. While some observ- force democracy’ and ‘restore China, is likely to be on the side gemon. Unlike Trump, who wa-
ers feel Biden could stick to moral leadership’ have been list- of the democratic movement vered on his conception of what
template Democrat dogmas in- ed in the campaign documents, even as he highlights human ‘Make America Great Again’
cluding picking up from where Biden’s major initiative towards rights violations in Xinjiang, on meant for Washington’s global
the Obama Administration left these goals is of hosting a Glob- which Trump was sloppy. In roles, Biden is amply clear that
off, the general expectation is of al Summit for Democracy in his fact, Biden has already backed American leadership is crucial
a mix of continuity and change first year. This summit would democratic protests in Nigeria to addressing all major global
in US foreign policy. Though “a bring together the world’s de- during his campaign thus mak- challenges by restoring its cred-
fundamentally different course” mocracies to address threats ing clear his intent Furthermore, ibility and influence. Contrast-
has been guaranteed by Biden to ‘common values’, namely: Biden has called on technology ing Trump’s vilification of tradi-
during his campaign, it remains (a) fighting corruption, (b) de- corporations and social media tional allies like NATO, Biden
to be seen whether re-align- fending against authoritarian- giants to preserve “open, demo- seeks to restore the tradition of
ments could be that easy in areas ism (including election security) cratic societies” and protect free working closely with allies and
where Trump has caused major and (c) advancing human rights. speech, thus unveiling a vision other democracies to deal with
disruptions — be it the Iran nu- Furthermore, Biden talks of the for the times when social me- current threats. These are iden-
clear deal or frosty US-China growing strength of autocratic dia has been manipulated into tified as mass migration, climate
relations. powers and their efforts to di- a medium for the subversion of change, the disruptive impact
vide and manipulate democra- democratic processes. Referring of new technologies, a renewed
‘Why america must lead again’ cies, and why democracies must specifically to “Russian attacks threat of nuclear war, transna-
The key slogan for Biden’s work together to confront the on Western democracies” and tional terrorism, cyber warfare,
campaign is his call for restor- rise of populists, nationalists and “facilitating repression in Chi- and also great power aggression.
ing America’s “dignified and re- demagogues – a unique variety na and elsewhere,” Biden has
spected leadership both at home that might include some friends reminded the tech giants that Continued at next page... >>
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