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OPINION                                                               DECEMBER 04, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          15

            Accordingly, he assures the                                                                               statement  that  “strengthening
        creation of millions of jobs in the                                                                           and deepening the relationship
        process of rebuilding the crum-                                                                               with India is going to be a very
        bling American infrastructure,                                                                                high priority.”
        the revival of the auto industry                                                                                  Notwithstanding these fac-
        when shifting to an electric vehi-                                                                            tors, a highlight of the Biden Ad-
        cle eco-system, setting up a new                                                                              ministration’s proposed agenda
        zero-emissions public transpor-                                                                               is the significance given to Indi-
        tation infrastructure described                                                                               an-Americans in the scheme of
        as the ‘second railroad revolu-                                                                               things. Like in the case of the
        tion’,  achieving  a  carbon  pollu-                                                                          African, Central American and
        tion-free  power  sector  by  2035                                                                            Arab American communities,
        through greater investments                                                                                   Biden promises a rich initiative
        in next-generation renewable                                                                                  to serve the interests of Indian
        hydrogen and advanced nucle-                                                                                  Americans — probably the first
        ar technologies, as also major                                                                                such targeted plan for ethnic mi-
        investments  in  energy-efficient                                                                             norities. Starting with the prom-
        buildings and affordable hous-                                                                                ise  to reform  the  immigration
        ing for over 5-6 million people.                                                                              system, Biden talks about steps
            While     the    progressives                                                                             to stem racial hate and religious
        termed it as a blueprint that will                                                                            bigotry targeting Indian com-
        wean the US from fossil fuels                                                                                 munities, restore the ‘American
        and curb greenhouse emissions,                                                                                dream’ for immigrants by par-
        the Republicans dismissed the                                                                                 ticularly promoting measures
        proposals as a socialist plot.                                                                                for  small-time  Indian entrepre-
        Nonetheless, the optimism over                                                                                neurs, providing a roadmap of
        Biden’s plan is his declared in-                                                                              citizenship for the undocument-
        tention to re-join the Paris Ac-                                                                              ed 5 lakh Indians, clear the fam-
        cord on Day one in office, and                                                                                ily visa backlog and increase vi-
        also convene a Global Climate                                                                                 sas for work-based immigration
        Summit, to restore the US lead-                                                                               for Indian professionals.
        ership in this endeavour.                                                                                         Besides proposals like visas
            Foremost       on     Biden’s                                                                             for religious workers, honouring
        non-proliferation agenda will be                                                                              the  diversity  and  contributions
        the revival of the Iran nuclear                                                                               of Indian Americans and elimi-
        deal or the Joint Comprehen-                                                                                  nating language barriers for the
        sive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a                                                                                community, Biden wraps up the
        key achievement for the Obama                                                                                 agenda by promising to support
        administration which Trump de-                                                                                the India-US partnership, thus
        railed. Biden’s campaign docu-                                                                                conjoining the relationship with
        ments, while blaming Trump for                                                                                India as integral to the assimila-
        prompting Iran to restart its nu-                                                                             tion of Indian Americans in the
        clear programme and bringing  democracies, India and the US,             tablished by their predecessors.  nation’s politico-economic and
        the region to the cusp of anoth- has institutionalized over the          Events like the ‘Howdy Modi’  socio-cultural matrix.
        er war, proclaim that “if Tehran  past decade to the extent that         in the US and ‘Namaste Trump’
        returns to compliance with the  new incumbents at the White              in Ahmedabad embody the per-           A. Vinod Kumar is Associate
        deal, President Biden would  House were expected only to                  sonal equations that have also         Fellow at Manohar Parrikar
        re-enter the agreement using  perfect the bonding, irrespec-             been built by the political lead- Institute for Defence Studies and
        hard-nosed diplomacy and ex- tive of any number of irritants             erships on both sides.                      Analyses, New Delhi.
        tend it.” Biden also promises ac- that  may  remain as  policy resi-         That  such  high  camarade-            Views expressed are of
        tion on Iran’s other destabilizing  due. The certitude of the insti-     rie will continue into the Biden
        activities.  This would  be easier  tutionalized character of this       administration is evident in the      the author and do not necessarily
        said than done considering that  relationship is most embodied           ease with which Prime Minister        reflect the views of the Manohar
        Iran has by now considerably ad- by the manner in which succes-          Modi established early affinities     Parrikar IDSA or of the Govern-
                                                                                                                                ment of India.
        vanced in uranium enrichment  sive political leaderships in both         with the President-elect. With
        and has revived activity in facil- New Delhi and Washington – be         Antony Blinken slated to be-            This is the abridged version
        ities that were restricted by the  it Prime Ministers Manmohan            come Biden’s Secretary of State,  of the article which appeared first
        agreement.                           Singh or Narendra Modi on the       there is optimism that India-US        in the Comment section of the
                                             Indian side or Presidents Barack    relations are set to go notches        website ( of Mano-
                 Biden and India             Obama or Donald Trump on the        higher, going by Blinken’s re- har Parrikar Institute for Defense
            The strategic partnership  US Side – have sustained and               cord of supporting the India-US  Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        between the world’s two largest  advanced the momentum es-               nuclear deal and his recent                on December 1, 2020

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