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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 20

                Gujarati Samaj Chicago Youth Club

                               hosts first ever youth event

        OUR BUREAU                        and community. They are determined
                                          and driven individuals willing to make
               n November 20, Gujarati Sa-  an impact in our community by work-
               maj Chicago Youth Club (GS-  ing on a variety of culturally immersive
        OCYC)  hosted  their  first  ever   philanthropic and social events.
        youth event under the leadership of   The bowling event at Strike Ten
        Aayush Modi, Aashi Shah, and Riya   Bowling  was  the  first  step  towards
        Shah. The team of three worked re-  bringing the Gujarati youth together
        lentlessly to make this event possible.   in order to ideate future events for
            More  than  25  youth  participat-  the beginning of the new year. Youth
        ed in the event held at the Strike Ten   between the age of 13 to 25 can join
        Lanes & Lounge in Roselle IL. These   the club by going to www.gujchicago.
        youths want to bring awareness to to-  org and contacting the organizers.
        day’s Gujarati youth about our culture          Photos by: Jayanti Oza
          Leadership team of GSC Youth Club. Aayush Modi (Center) had initiated the formation of the
        youth club back in September 2022 and since then has been working towards planning the first
         event for the youths. Aashi Shah (Left) a major influencer and important part of the leadership
         team has been working along with Aayush to make their first event a huge success. Riya Shah
                          (Right) another lead member in the team helping the youth club. >>

                            GSC youth members enjoying bowling                       Young GSC youth making new friends, enjoying music, and good food.

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