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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 17

                    Indian government rejects USCIRF report on

                            the state of religious freedom in India

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            egregious religious freedom viola-
                                                                                                              tions, as set forth by the International
        Washington DC/New Delhi
                                                                                                              Religious Freedom Act.”
           ndia has slammed the US Com-                                                                           “Such a designation would re-
           mission for International Re-                                                                      inforce the United States’ concern
        Iligious Freedom’s (USCIRF)                                                                           regarding the conditions discussed
        latest  report  calling  it  “biased  and                                                             in this country update and would en-
        inaccurate” and accusing the Con-                                                                     courage the Indian government to
        gressionally appointed bipartisan                                                                     diverge from policies that violate reli-
        body of pursuing a motivated and bi-                                                                  gious freedom and promote commu-
        ased agenda. “They (USCIRF) have                                                                      nal divides,” it said.
        a tendency to consistently misrepre-                                                                      However, the State Department
        sent  facts  and  this  shows  their  lack                                                            has consistently refused to accept the
        of understanding  of  India, our con-                                                                 commission’s recommendations so
        stitutional framework, plurality and                                                                  far. It’s not mandatory for the State
        our robust democratic system,” said                                                                   Department to accept USCIRF’s rec-
        Indian foreign ministry spokesperson             Indian foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi  ommendations.
        Arindam Bagchi.                                                                                           The update on religious free-
            “Given its past record, we are not   suggested that religious freedom and   tion made in its 2022 Annual Report   dom conditions in India in 2021 and
        surprised to see that USCIRF continues   related human rights in India are un-  issued in that the US State Depart-  2022 alleged that “various policies
        to be guided by its prejudices and pur-  der ongoing threat for a variety of rea-  ment designate India as a “country of   adopted and implemented by the
        sues a motivated agenda that calls into   sons, including various government   particular concern,” or CPC.  Indian government have cultivated
        question its own credibility,” he added.  policies that do not protect religious   CPC designation is given to the   an environment that is increasing-
            In a new India Country update re-  minorities.                  worst offenders “for engaging in or   ly hostile toward religious minority
        leased on November 23, USCIRF had     It had reiterated its recommenda-  tolerating systematic, ongoing, and   communities.”

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