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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 02, 2022 | The Indian Eye 16
World Vegan Vision hosts Thanksgiving Dinner
and Dance on its 30th anniversary
OUR BUREAU Founder and Chairman Mr.
H.K. Shah in his speech thanked the
New York, NY
people for all their help and support
orld Vegan Vision (WVV) for the last 30 years. Chandra Mehta
organized a Thanksgiving Vice Chair of WVV and wife of the
WDinner and Dance with Trustee Mr. K. K. Mehta thanked
over 150 people attending on Sat- everybody for coming and for their
urday November 19 at Antuns’ By continued help and support, espe-
Minar. World Vegan Vision (WVV) cially when she organized the 25th
dedicated this event to celebrate its anniversary of Vegetarian Vision/
30th anniversary. The first Indian World Vegan Vision.
elected representative from the Town Dr Moiz Kasubhai and Vice
of North Hempstead Honorable President, Mr. Rakesh Bhargava
Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava graced held a detailed and very Informa-
the occasion. tive Question Answer Session on the
World Vegan Vision is a benefits of plant-based diet, vegan
non-profit organization with a mis- lifestyle and welfare of the animals.
sion to promote veganism and Founder and Chairman Mr. H K
healthy lifestyle. The main mission Shah announced that with the expi-
of World Vegan Vision is to increase ry of Suman Munjal’s term as presi-
the public awareness about the 3 dent in December 2022, Mr. Rakesh
main aspects of Veganism; Health, Bhargava, who has been a vegan for
Animal Welfare, and Environmental the last 20 years, will be taking over
Conservation. the presidency of WVV starting Jan-
The main function started with uary 2023.
Vice President Gunjan Rastogi wel- Varsha Joshi, versatile sing-
coming the audience and inviting the er from New Jersey along with her
Treasurer Kirti Shukla for singing troupe of singers and instruments
both American and Indian National players entertained the crowd with
Anthem. Suman Munjal, President her melodious voice and people
of World Vegan Vision New York danced to their heart’s content for
Chapter, in her speech welcomed and ing this milestone throughout this She further stated that “I personally over 2 hours from 8:30 to 10:45 PM.
thanked all the dignitaries, trustees, year. Thanks to our Founders HK experienced enormous health bene- Dinner was served and everyone
sponsors, past presidents, community Shah ji and Malti Shah ji, who have fits of becoming vegan. I controlled enjoyed the Delicious vegan dishes
leaders, executive committee mem- been nurturing this organization with my diabetes and cholesterol with served during Appetizers hour and
bers and the invited guests for coming. Tan, man and Dhan from day 1. And vegan diet. I would like to encourage dinner, including vegan yogurt, ice
She stated that “World Vegan they have been doing it for a good everyone to join in, become vegan cream and jalebis.
Vision has completed 30 years of its cause, promoting healthy life style and experience the benefits of veg- The Program concluded with a vote
journey and we have been celebrat- and compassion towards animals”. anism”. of thanks by the Secretary Tejal Raval.