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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 18

                 Asian American Republican Coalition

                      hosts its Grand Launch Ceremony

        OUR BUREAU
        Ford, NJ

              he Asian American Republican
              Coalition (AARC) previously
        Tknown as SARC- South Asian
        Republican Coalition, headquartered
        in NJ, organized its Grand Launch on
        November 2, at Royal Alberts Palace
        here. It was an unpresented success
        with more than 350 distinguished per-
        sons and Leaders from Republican
        Party and Asian American Commu-
        nities attended on a busy weekday.
            The event started with singing
        American Anthem, God Bless Amer-                                                                      successful launch and looking forward
        ica and citing Pledge of Allegiance.                                                                  for its march forward.
        Sanjiv Pandya, AARC- VP, Public                                                                           Sue Kiley, Paul Degroot, Sam-
        Relations and Media outreach and                                                                      uel Thompson, NJ Assemblyman,
        a  well-known  Media  personality  and                                                                Edward Durr, NJ Senator, Dominick
        well-respected Community Leader,                                                                      Nick Dirocco, Commissioner, Robert
        opened the event by stating the cur-                                                                  Bengivenga, MCRO Chairman and
        rent  environment  in  America  and                                                                   others spoke at the occasion.
        what needs to be done to bring back                                                                       Dharmesh Patel, an active mem-
        the glory of our great nation America.                                                                ber of AARC gave statistics showing
            Hemant Bhatt, Founder and                                                                         how Asian Americans Communities
        Chairman, in his welcome address,                                                                     can bring victory to the candidates
        while welcoming the distinguished                                                                     running for office.
        gathering, stated that AARC is very                                                                       AARC’s Event sponsors, recep-
        much inspired by the overwhelming                                                                     tion committee members and other
        support it received from the mem-  er and National President outlined in   cil President for Marlboro, NJ Town-  active members Mehul Patel, Roshan
        bers of the community who shared the   detail the AARC’S Vision, Goals and   ship Council stated to the audience   Shah, Nimish Patel, Ravi Patel, Dr.
        same values and beliefs for the Grand   Objectives down the road for its suc-  that AARC will become the nodal or-  Jayesh Patel, Yash Pandya, Praveen
        Old Republican Party, it was then we   cessful journey going forward. AARC   ganization for Asian American Com-  Thadkamala, Dilip Patel, Pavan
        realized that we need to take SARC   is working on Civic Education, US Cit-  munities for their awareness about the   Kuchana, Ravi Kolla, Ashish  Raval,
        to  the  next  level  to  reach  out  the   izenship, English Learning and many   subjects of interests of them.   Sarvesh Kumar Dharayan, Neeta Ra-
        Asian American Community nation-  communities  outreach  programs,      Jack Ciattareli, former NJ Assem-  mekar, VIjay Shah, Dilip Bhatt, Jinesh
        wide and that’s when the “ AARC” is   among other goals. Deepak Malhotra,   blyman who ran for NJ Governor, in   Patel, Samir Raval, Marthy Pillai, Atul
        formed with its chapters in Pennsylva-  AARC’S Founder and National Vice   his speech, stated that AARC is doing   Vadodaria, Bhargava Gorthy, Vas-
        nia, Texas, Georgia, Texas, Chicago,   President explained the importance   a great work and let us all work hard   ant Shah, Ankit Goyal, Neeta Tyagi,
        Florida and with many other states to   of Voting to bring the desired change   for our bright future. Steven Rogers,   Anita Gupta and many have worked
        join the AARC.                    in  these  crucial  times.  Juned  Qazi,   Member  of  AARC  Advisory  Board   very hard with dedication to make the
            Sridhar Chillara, AARC’s Found-  AARC’s NJ President and The coun-  congratulated AARC and its team for   event very successful.

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