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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 52

                Will the Immigration Provisions in the AI

           Executive Order Bring Meaningful Change Or

                              Be Mere Window Dressing?

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND KAIT-  a commitment to supporting   and change”. Although the ex-  Labor shall publish a request   On October 23, 2023, DHS
        LYN BOX*                   American  workers,  d.)  Artifi-  ecutive  order  sets  out  numer-  for information (RFI) to solic-  promulgated a proposed rule
                                   cial Intelligence policies must   ous broad guidelines aimed at   it public input, including from   amending its H-1B regulations.
              n October 30, 2023,   be consistent with [the] Ad-  ensuring that  AI is developed   industry and worker-advocate   Cyrus  Mehta’s  previous  blog
              President Biden issued   ministration’s dedication to ad-  and used responsibly, it also   communities, identifying AI   discusses  significant  features
        Oan Executive Order on     vancing equity and civil rights,   includes several provisions that   and other STEM-related oc-  of the proposed rule in depth.
        the Safe, Secure, and Trust-  e.) The interests of Americans   lay the groundwork for immi-  cupations, as well as additional   One of the points of concern in
        worthy Development and Use   who increasingly use, inter-  gration policy innovations for   occupations across the econo-  new the rule is its redefinition
        of  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI).   act with, or purchase AI and   AI experts.  my, for which there is an insuf-  of “specialty occupation” to
        The stated purpose of the or-  AI-enabled products in their   Section 5 of the Executive   ficient  number  of  ready,  will-  require studies in a field that is
        der is to ensure that the “devel-  daily lives must be  protected,   Order  first  directs  the  DHS   ing, able, and qualified United   “directly  related”  to  the  H-1B
        opment and use of AI” is gov-  f.) Americans’ privacy and civ-  Secretary to “review and ini-  States  workers”.  “Schedule  A”   position. The proposed rule
        erned “safely and responsibly”.   il liberties must be protected   tiate any policy changes the   occupations are those for which   further states, “A position is not
        The executive order further   as AI continues advancing, g.)   Secretary determines necessary   the Department of Labor has   a specialty occupation if attain-
        lays out eight “guiding princi-  It is important to manage the   and appropriate to clarify and   “predetermined there are not   ment of a general degree, such
        ples and priorities” for the de-  risks from the Federal Gov-  modernize immigration path-  sufficient  U.S.  workers  who   as business administration or
        velopment and use of AI: “a.)   ernment’s own use of AI and   ways for experts in AI and other   are able, willing, qualified, and   liberal arts, without further spe-
        Artificial  Intelligence  must  be   increase its internal capacity to   critical and emerging technolo-  available pursuant to regula-  cialization, is sufficient to qual-
        safe and secure, b.) Promoting   regulate,  govern, and  support   gies, including O-1A and EB-1   tion”, so employers may file an   ify for the position. A position
        responsible innovation, compe-  responsible use of AI to deliv-  noncitizens of extraordinary   I-140, Immigrant Petition for   may allow a range of degrees or
        tition, and collaboration will al-  er better results for Americans,   ability;  EB-2  advanced-degree   Alien Workers for a beneficia-  apply multiple bodies of highly
        low the United States to lead in   and h.) The Federal Govern-  holders and noncitizens of ex-  ry in these occupations without   specialized knowledge, provid-
        AI and unlock the technology’s   ment should lead the way to   ceptional ability…” Although   a labor certification. For years   ed that each of those qualifying
        potential to solve some of soci-  global societal, economic, and   the executive order does not   the only Schedule A occupa-  degree  fields  or  each  body  of
        ety’s  most  difficult  challenges,   technological progress, as the   further specify what measures   tions have been nurses and   highly specialized knowledge
        c.) The responsible develop-  United States has in previous   the DHS Secretary should   physical therapists, and immi-  is directly related to the po-
        ment and use of AI require   eras  of  disruptive  innovation   take to achieve these goals, it   grants of exceptional ability in   sition.” As AI is an emerging
                                                                  is hoped that the criteria   the sciences or arts, including   field,  there  are  likely  few  de-
                                                                  for O-1As and EB-1 and   college and university teach-  gree programs that are specif-
                                                                  EB-2 I-140s could be  ex-  ers, and immigrants of excep-  ically AI-focused as yet, so the
                                                                  panded to make it easier   tional ability in the performing   definition  of  specialty  occupa-
                                                                  for AI experts to qualify.   arts. Although a rulemaking   tion should not be narrowed
                                                                  In an emerging field such   would be required to add oc-  such that it thwarts the ability
                                                                  as AI, it could be difficult   cupations to the Schedule A   of an AI specialist to obtain
                                                                  for a prospective O-1A   list, this change, if it were to   an H-1B visa. Given that AI is
                                                                  candidate to demonstrate,   go into effect, would be a sig-  beginning  to  be  used  in  fields
                                                                  for example, authorship   nificant  change  that  would  al-  ranging from finance to graphic
                                                                  of scholarly articles in the   low U.S. employers to sponsor   design,  introducing  flexibility
                                                                  field or receipt of nation-  noncitizen AI professionals for   into the O-1A, EB-1/EB-2, and
                                                                  ally or internationally rec-  permanent residence without   H-1B criteria could benefit nu-
                                                                  ognized prizes or awards   going through the burdensome   merous noncitizens  who work
                                                                  for excellence in the field,   labor certification process. The   with AI in some capacity.
                                                                  as such scholarly publica-  list of Schedule A occupations   The executive order also
                                                                  tions and awards may not   has not changed for decades,   includes provisions that may
                                                                  exist yet. O-1 and EB-1   so it is high time that the list   benefit  noncitizen  students
                                                                  candidates may already   be expanded even beyond AI   studying  AI.  It instructs  the
                                                                  submit “comparable evi-  occupations  to include others   Secretary of State to “consid-
                                                                  dence” to establish eligi-  for which there are a shortage   er initiating a rulemaking to
                                                                  bility if the listed criteria   of U.S. workers, such as other   expand the categories of non-
                                                                  are not readily applicable   computer occupations.  immigrants who qualify for
                                                                  to their occupation. This   The executive order also   the domestic visa renewal pro-
                                                                  policy could allow pro-  states  that  the  DHS  Secretary   gram covered under 22 C.F.R.
                     m of                                         spective  O-1  and  EB-1   should “continue its rulemak-  41.111(b)  to include  academic
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          candidates to establish ex-  ing process to modernize the   J-1 research scholars and F-1
                                                                  traordinary ability by high-
                                                                                                                     students in science, technology,
                                                                                          H-1B program and enhance
                                                                                             lighting  other  evidence   its integrity and usage, includ-  engineering, and mathemat-
             more relevant to the field   ing by experts in AI and other   ics (STEM)” and “establish,
                                                                  of AI, to which the tra-  critical and emerging technol-  to the extent permitted by law
                            ditional criteria may not   ogies, and consider initiating a   and available appropriations, a
                                                   
              ‚                                                     readily apply.  Interesting-  rulemaking to enhance the pro-  program to identify and attract
                                                                  ly, the executive order fur-  cess for noncitizens, including   top talent in AI and other crit-
                                                                  ther states: “for purposes   experts in AI and other critical   ical and emerging technologies
                                                                  of considering updates   and emerging technologies and   at universities, research insti-
                                                                                                                     tutions,  and  the  private  sector
                                                                                          their spouses, dependents, and
                                                                  to the “Schedule A” list
          2              6th Floor                                of occupations, 20 C.F.R.   children, to  adjust  their  status   overseas,  and  to  establish and
                656.5, the Secretary of   to lawful permanent resident”.   increase connections with that
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