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BUSINESS EYE DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 47
Sam Altman, CEO of ChatGPT-maker OpenAI
ousted by company board
OUR BUREAU such as Elon Musk, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg,
and even the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Just last
San Francisco, CA
week, Altman presented OpenAI’s new roadmap
n a surprising move, Sam Altman, CEO and to enthusiastic developers at the company’s inau-
co-founder of OpenAI, the organisation be- gural conference.
Ihind ChatGPT, has left the artificial intelligence The blog post also announced that Greg
company and resigned from its board with imme- Brockman, another co-founder of OpenAI, would
diate effect. This unexpected departure has sent step down as the chair of the company’s board but
shock waves through the technology industry, The remain with the organisation.
Washington Post reported on Friday (local time). Originally established as a nonprofit in 2015,
The company revealed in a blog post on Friday OpenAI aimed to prevent advanced AI from fall-
that OpenAI’s board no longer has confidence in ing into the hands of monopolistic corporations.
Altman’s ability to lead the organisation. However, after receiving a significant investment
The post said that Altman’s departure came from Microsoft in 2019, the company transitioned
after “a deliberative review process by the board, to a for-profit structure. OpenAI continues to as-
which concluded that he was not consistently can- next later,” posted Altman on X. sert its commitment to building AI for the benefit
did in his communications with the board, hinder- Altman’s departure is surprising given his role of humanity, but recent developments suggest a
ing its ability to exercise its responsibilities.” as a prominent figure in the AI revolution and a key more conventional business approach.
Now, Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati influencer in shaping the industry. Since the intro- In May, the company initiated a hiring spree,
will step in as interim CEO, and a search is un- duction of ChatGPT, major tech companies have attracting executives from Meta, Apple, and Am-
derway to find a permanent successor, according strived to compete with OpenAI, and world lead- azon Web Services. Altman’s global engagements
to The Washington Post. ers have sought Altman’s insights and investments. with world leaders and developers, coupled with
“I loved my time at OpenAI. It was transfor- According to The Washington Post, in Silicon the company’s expansion in San Francisco, un-
mative for me personally, and hopefully the world Valley, Altman was recognised as a savvy investor derscore a shift in OpenAI’s trajectory from its
a little bit. Most of all I loved working with such tal- and supporter of smaller companies. The rise of original nonprofit mission, The Washington Post
ented people. Will have more to say about what’s OpenAI elevated him to the status of tech titans reported.