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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 48
Authenticity Advantage: How to Build Trust,
Connect with Your Audience to create a
genuine brand that wins customers.
By aligning your values with those of your audience, you can create a genuine
connection that fosters trust and loyalty
• Respond to comments on your
videos, ask for feedback, and en-
courage discussions.
• Show genuine interest in your au-
dience’s opinions and experiences.
• This not only helps you under-
stand your audience better but
also makes them feel valued and
• Additionally, actively seek out op-
portunities to interact with your
audience outside of your videos.
• This could be through live streams,
Q&A sessions, or social media
• By engaging with your
audience, you show that you care
about their thoughts and opin-
ions, which ultimately strength-
Hirav Shah ens the bond between you and
your viewers.
n today’s competitive market, au- Deliver on Your Promises and
thenticity is crucial for businesses People are more likely to trust and support a brand that they feel a personal connection with
Ilooking to stand out and connect (Representative/File photo) Provide Value.
with their audience. Building trust • One of the most important aspects
and creating a genuine brand can of building trust and authenticity
help attract and retain customers. feedback to stay updated on their build trust and connect with your with your audience is delivering
Discover strategies and tips on how evolving needs and values. audience is by sharing your story on your promises and providing
to cultivate authenticity in your busi- Be Transparent and Honest in Your and showing your personality. value.
ness and establish a strong connec- • People are more likely to trust and • When you make a promise to your
tion with your target market. Communication. support a brand that they feel a viewers, whether it’s delivering
• Transparency and honesty are cru- personal connection with. informative content, entertaining
Understand Your Audience and cial when building trust with your • Share the story of how your brand videos, or helpful tips, it’s crucial
Their Values. audience. started, the challenges you’ve that you follow through.
• To build trust and connect with • Be open about your brand’s val- faced, and the values that drive • Consistently providing value to
your audience, it’s essential to un- ues, mission, and practices. Share your business. your audience will not only keep
derstand who they are and what behind-the-scenes content, such as • This helps humanize your brand them coming back for more but
they value. how your products are made or the and makes it relatable to your au- also establish you as a reliable and
• Conduct market research and people behind your brand. dience. Additionally, show your trustworthy source.
gather insights about your target • This transparency helps human- personality through your content • Make sure that your content is
market’s demographics, interests, ize your brand and shows that you and communication. well-researched, accurate, and rel-
and preferences. have nothing to hide. • Be authentic and genuine in your evant to your audience’s interests
• This will help you tailor your mes- • Additionally, be honest in your interactions, and let your true self and needs.
saging and brand identity to reso- communication. shine through. • By consistently delivering on your
nate with your audience on a deep- • If you make a mistake, admit it and • This helps create a genuine and au- promises and providing value, you
er level. take responsibility. thentic brand that resonates with will build a strong and loyal follow-
• By aligning your values with those • Your audience will appreciate your your audience and builds trust. ing that sees you as an authentic
of your audience, you can create authenticity and be more likely to Engage and Interact with Your and genuine brand.
a genuine connection that fosters trust and support your brand.
trust and loyalty. Audience. The writer is a well-known
• Regularly engage with your audi- Share Your Story and Show Your • Engaging and interacting with Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
ence through surveys, social me- Personality. your audience is crucial for build- Email: [email protected]
dia interactions, and customer • One of the most effective ways to ing trust and creating a genuine