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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                  DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 50

        One man, many shows: How Vir Das took

           Indian comedy and India to global stage

           Vir Das makes history by taking home the trophy for the best unique comedy at the 2023

                            International Emmy’s, for his comedy special ‘Vir Das: Landing.’

        OUR BUREAU
        New York/New Delhi

              omedian Vir Das is on cloud
              nine as he received the Emmy
        CAward for his comedy spe-
        cial ‘Vir Das: Landing’ home. He
        shared a picture with his trophy and
        expressed gratitude. Taking to Insta-
        gram, Vir posted a series of pictures
        expressing his happiness. Sharing the
        pictures, he wrote, “For India. For
        Indian comedy. Every breath,  every
        word. Thank you to the @iemmys for
        this incredible honour.”
            The award for the Comedy Cate-
        gory was a tie, with ‘Derry Girls Sea-
        son 3’ also receiving the recognition.
            Talking about winning at the In-
        ternational Emmy Awards, Vir ex-
        pressed his excitement and said, “I
        have immense gratitude, holding the
        International Emmy for Best Come-
        dy for ‘Vir Das: Landing.’ This one is
        for my team and for Netflix without
        whom this wouldn’t have been pos-
        sible. This journey has been nothing
        short of extraordinary, and to win
        this accolade for my fifth special with
        Netflix  feels  like  a  culmination  of   Vir Das speaks to the media on winning the International Emmy for comedy for “Vir Das: Landing”, in New Delhi on Wednesday (ANI)
        passion, perseverance, and the un-
        dying support of people around the
        globe who have given so much love   the current state of comedy, getting   Das on his Instagram story.  He said, “I am very happy to bring
        to “Vir Das: Landing”.            nominated, getting intoxicated, and   Marking a significant milestone   this home. Now, I have a show in
            He added, “This award is not   ultimately just getting situated.  in his illustrious career, Vir Das   Panchkula, so I will go to Panchkula
        just a recognition of my work but a   ‘Vir Das: Landing’ which pre-  bagged an award for special comedy.   and then to Bengaluru. This award
        celebration of the diverse stories and   miered on the OTT platform Netflix,   He was competing with Le Flambeau   will tour India like me and I am very
        voices from India. Stories that make   was competing with Le Flambeau   from France, El Encargado from Ar-  excited. We are here because of peo-
        us  laugh,  reflect,  and,  most  impor-  from France, El Encargado from   gentina, and Derry Girls Season 3   ple who came before us, like Johnny
        tantly, unite. This one is for India, for   Argentina, and Derry Girls Season   from the UK. A day before the award   Lever. I would love to do a show with
        Indian comedy and for the communi-  3 from the UK. Earlier, Vir’s third   ceremony, Vir Das posted a video on   Johnny Lever, as he is my idol. I think
        ty of artists at large.”          standup special ‘Vir Das: For India’   his Instagram story in which he said   he is the greatest live comedy artist. I
            ‘Vir Das: Landing’ marks his   received a 2021 International Emmy   ‘The day he was called a terrorist, he   think hopefully this is the first award
        fourth Netflix’s comedy special that   Nomination for “Best Comedy.”   was nominated for the Emmys’. He   for Indian Comedy International but
        presents a show about what it means   Co-Indian  nominees  Shefali   wrote, “The universe is a full circle.   not the last, hopefully, many comedi-
        to be truly global while looking for   Shah and Jim Sarbh congratulated   So just wanted to say thanks and   ans can win it.”
        home. To carry your country across   him on this big win. Taking to Insta-  that if anyone out there is ever in the   Johnny  Lever  is  an  Indian  film
        the world with you, whatever that   gram story, Shefali posted a picture   dark, stay till sunlight, and know that   actor and one of the most noted co-
        country is, and to find your feet. A   of Vir and wrote, “CONGRATULA-  love will find you, and the universe   medians in Hindi cinema. Lever is
        show about growing up in India, see-  TIONS @virdas. You make us so so   will carry you.”             one of the first stand-up comedians
        ing the globe, love troubles, colossal   so proud.”                     Vir Das returned to New Delhi,   in India. Das added, “There is love
        failures, social media madness, the   Sharing  Vir’s  picture  with  his   India, after accepting the honour in   for India in every joke of mine and
        perils of outrage, unplanned drugs,   Emmy trophy, Shefali wrote, “@vir-  New York on Wednesday. Vir Das   there will be love in every joke in the
        war-zone  boarding  schools,  meta-  das U WON THIS FOR ALL OF US.”  expressed his gratitude to the media   future as well. If you love your na-
        phorical mathematical equations,      Jim Sarbh also posted for Vir   at New Delhi Airport for the honour.   tion, write about it.”

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