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DECEMBER 17, 2021  |
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         SPECIAL FEATURE                                                    DECEMBER 01, 2023  | The Indian Eye

                                                           Visitor Views

        • Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Catholic,  Jewish,  Asian,   • “Divine. One of the architectural wonders of the world is   • “It is a very awesome place. You learn a lot of Hindu
        White, Black it doesn’t matter. You need to see this. It’s an   nestled in New Jersey suburbia, in quiet little Robbinsville.   culture and it is very peaceful. This is one of my favorite
        architectural marvel.                         So much to see and admire and absorb. You can just as   places to go.”
          - Benny Guillermo, 11/19/2023               easily spend thirty minutes there, or several hours. There is     - Krish Patel, 10/16/2023
                                                      also the very nice Shayona Cafe, should you wish for some
        • “The  temple  stands as a genuine  testament  to the   delicious Indian food.”           •  “The newly inaugurated Swaminarayan  Akshardham
        unwavering commitment, tireless effort, and the time and     - Richard Arthur Lloyd, 11/2/2023  Temple in New Jersey, United States, stands as an awe-
        sacrifices made by thousands of workers and volunteers”                                    inspiring testament to the rich tapestry of Hindu culture
        - Karan Shah, 11/19/2023                      • “An absolutely  BEAUTIFUL temple  right  here in the   and spirituality.”
                                                      Garden State. Definitely worth visiting! Every inch makes     - Pradeep, 10/14/2023
        • “Amazing place. It has got a different vibe. I am amazed   you appreciate the craftsmanship that went into creating this
        by volunteers’ sincerity let it be for parking in cold weather   place. I walked away with a definite appreciation for each   • “Modern architecture meets Indian culture.”
        or inside the  temple  to navigate  us. The  whole place  is   individual involved in the creation of this landmark.”      - Shivam Rana, 10/10/2023
        so full with people but when you look at God  you feel     - Juliet Foster, 10/31/2023
        peaceful.”                                                                                 • “If you’re in NJ, you must visit Akshardham. This is a
        - Kishori Kale, 11/17/2023                    • “Hard to describe this place. All at once it seems to be   place where Hindu architecture and culture comes alive.
                                                      a place of worship, a place to educate, a place of peace, a   It’s  magnificent.  Come  visit  and  experience  peace  and
        • “Wow just WOW! Visiting this Temple is like transporting   place of architectural awesomeness.”  tranquility.”
        yourself to India without leaving New Jersey. I’m not   - Nancy Hendrickson, 10/31/2023      - Archna Patel, 10/7/2023
        Hindu but was overwhelmed by how welcoming everyone
        was. The energy and spirituality was infectious and I felt a   • “Incredible  architecture!  The volunteers are so   • “The Swaminarayan temple in NJ is an exquisite place
        sense of community and calm.”                 welcoming. Blessed to have such a beautiful mandir like   of worship, known for its stunning architecture and serene
        - Anna Karnowski, 11/14/2023                  this in the US! Kudos to all volunteers that helped make   ambiance. It serves as a spiritual haven for many, attracting
                                                      this possible”                               visitors from diverse backgrounds to experience its cultural
        • “One of the most serene places to visit in NJ.  The     - Akshar Thakkar, 10/27/2023     and religious significance. Very alluring part of the temple
        architecture of the temple is spectacular. If you want to see                              is a delightful culinary experience, showcasing delicious
        what marble and sculpting can do together, do pay a visit.   • “One of the largest temple  in the world.  You would   Gujarati and South Indian cuisine.  The combination
        Also, there’s a cafeteria  with some scrumptious Indian   have  to  appreciate  the  effort  they  have  put  in  building   of  spiritual nourishment and  delectable food  creates a
        food.”                                        this humongous temple. Their parking facilities are well   memorable visit for devotees and visitors alike.”
          - Manish Karanjavkar, 11/14/2023            managed, the cafe is amazing. They have varieties of item     - Sanjay Bedekar, 8/6/2023
                                                      to choose from in their menu. Very good and scenic temple
        •  “Amazing temple and  sculpture.  The best part about   to visit with family and friend.”  • “Amazing, Mesmerizing, Magnificent temple which has
        BAPS is their  volunteers,  they always greet  you with a     – Manigandan R., 10/21/2023  cultural representation with very beautiful architecture.”
        smile and are there to answer any questions you may have.”                                   - Parth Kothiya, 7/26/2023
          - Ishant Desai, 11/7/2023

            HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj,                                                                             HH Mahant Swami Maharaj,
            the visionary of Akshardham                                                                           the inspirer of Akshardham
            was the fifth spiritual successor of                                                                     is the current spiritual head of
            Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the                                                                           BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and
            inspirer of millions. He envisioned                                                                      the sixth spiritual successor of
            a majestic spiritual campus in the                                                                  Bhagwan Swaminarayan. It was solely
            United States that would consolidate                                                                 due to his inspiration that, thousands
            thousands of years of inspiring                                                                        of volunteers from different walks
            Hindu art, architecture and                                                                            of life and across the globe came
            culture.                                                                                               together to build the Akshardham.

                                                                    NOW OPEN

                                                                    VISITORS WELCOME

                   112 North Main Street, Robbinsville, NJ 08561

                   Open to visitors every day except Tuesday.
                   For the latest visiting hours & details, please visit

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