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The Indian Eye
SPECIAL FEATURE DECEMBER 01, 2023 | The Indian Eye 41 5
DECEMBER 17, 2021 |
if stones could sing...
This title weaves together the story of the making of Akshardham and its integration into by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Following are a few stories highlighting the devotion and
the social and spiritual landscape of a local community. This Akshardham, a modern-day sacrifice of the volunteers excerpted from the book, if stones could sing... By Yogi Trivedi.
architectural marvel is a standing tribute to the Hindu practices and beliefs as exemplified
Full Stomachs, Fuller Hearts A Family That Serves Together...
Savita Patel and her husband, Soma chai for the volunteers full-time. Vinod Patel left his first job to serve had brought from home. He jumped
Patel, had previously purchased a Savita’s chai would warm the hearts in the building of mandirs, most nota- around from quarry to quarry and
beachfront townhome in Hawaii. of hundreds of volunteers over the next bly the Akshardham Mahamandirs in even traveled as far as Turkey and
Retirement was going to be great in this decade. She and her husband arrive at Gandhinagar and New Delhi and the Bulgaria by car to secure marble and
picturesque setting. When they heard the mandir at 6:45 am and stay until renowned BAPS Shri Swaminarayan limestone. He spent about six-and-a-
that construction of the Akshardham 3:30 pm. Despite undergoing two knee Mandir in London. After years of seva half years on that island, away from
complex was about to begin, they replacement surgeries in 2016 and in India, Vinod was called to serve in his family and away from the comforts
changed their lifelong plans and 2019 and bearing the loss of one of her America. of home, until all the required stone
moved to Central Jersey. There is a children over the last decade, Savita Over time, Vinod was requested had been excavated and shipped
Gujarati colloquialism, “Worship the continuesto brew her trademark chai to settle on the small Greek island to India for testing and carving.
stomach first. One can then effortlessly and serve daily in the kitchen. Many of of Thasos. Amidst the backdrop of a Meanwhile, Taru Patel, her wife, sin-
worship the Divine and its creation.ˮ the volunteers who go back home after foreign land with a language that he gle-handedly managed the household,
Savita knew how food motivated serving at Akshardham, often regard did not speak, he toiled at those quarry worked part-time, and raised their chil-
and united people. And that is the now 80-year old, loving figure sites from dawn to dusk, after which dren. A senior swami once remarked,
why, in 2012, Savita undertook the as their “motherˮ in Robbinsville. he returned to his room and often “The only people who deserve more
task of making food and spiced prepared a simple porridge with rice credit than Vinod are his wife and
and lentils in the pressure cooker he kids. Truly a family effort to serve.ˮ
Voice of the Volunteers
“I was here for about 6 weeks. I was part of “I know that this mandir is going to stand “Volunteering here was a no brainer. An “We’ve all come together for such a
the low voltage team. We helped lay all the for thousands of years and I wanted to be a opportunity like this has never been before beautiful cause, and so many people have
pipes down for all the wiring.” part of a legacy that was greater than me.” and will never come after this.” sacrificed so much. I have so much more
- Jay, New York, NY - Nidhi, San Jose, CA - Manav, Tampa, FL respect for this generation.”
Orthopedic Surgeon Cognitive Science Process Engineer - Nilam, Westborough, MA
“I‘m a resident at Rutgers NJMS. I think “I learned unity as well as patience here. “The core principle of volunteering here is “It’s really inspiring seeing all these
being here, I’ve learned how to be a better I work as an ER nurse. I am used to fast- to give back to the community. Akshardham people’s stories come together into one big
leader, how to be a better team player, and paced environments, and something gives back without any prejudice” story, which is Akshardham here.”
give my best effort.” that I live by is always being on the go.” - Tapas, Hartford, CT - Jina, Atlanta, GA
- Prit, Flushing, NY - Devanshi, Gainesville, FL Corporate Quality Assurance Student (Psychology)
Medical Resident ER Nurse
See many more volunteer stories @akshardhamusa