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SPORTS                                                             DECEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 56

        All the stats coming through were
        saying, bat first and put runs on the
        board. But for once, when we asked
        that question, I think a majority of us
        said let’s just chase,” Warner said.
            The Aussie batter revealed that
        they decided to ball to understand
        the  conditions  first  and  then  chase.
        “If we  bowl  well  and  understand
        the conditions like that, we can then
        chase and then anchor,” he added.
            Warner also heaped praise on
        Pat Cummins and said that he was
        calm the whole time. “He has been
        so calm the whole time. He was
        criticised  in  England  for  his  field-
        ing placements, being defensive and
        all that...It’s not fair. I get that as a
        captain he is leading the ship but as
        a whole unit, we take responsibility
        ourselves. It was a testament to that
        in terms of the way we went about it,”
        he added.
              Captaincy made the

           difference: Suresh Raina
             011 World Cup winner Suresh
             Raina feels Australia skipper
        2Pat  Cummins’s uncanny cap-
        taincy proved to be a major differ-
        ence in the World Cup final between
        India and Australia at the Narendra     KL Rahul reacts after losing the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 final match against Australia in Ahmedabad on Sunday (ANI)
        Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad.
            Cummins made an unprece-      provided ample support to the bowl-  your focus, and I think that’s a lesson   Malik also said that KL Rahul was
        dented move by putting India to bat   ers, with the quick sharp reflexes of   they will learn from this,” Raina said.  trying to bat through the 50 overs.
        in the final, putting the Indian team   fielders stopping plenty of runs and                          Speaking on a Pakistani-based chan-
        in a position that skipper Rohit Shar-  their catching in the outfield was one   Misbah and Shoaib hit out at   nel, A Sports, Malik said that Rahul
        ma wanted. But as the final started   of the highlights.                       KL Rahul               should have rotated his strike since
        to transpire the move paid dividends   “Another big factor was Austra-                                boundaries weren’t coming.
        as the Baggy Greens restricted the   lia’s  fielding;  I  think  they  saved  30   ormer  Pakistani skipper Mis-  “KL Rahul was just trying to bat
        unbeaten Man in Blue on a score of   to 40 runs. From ball one, they were   bah-ul-Haq hit out  at  Indian   through the 50 overs. He should not
        240.                              saving a lot of singles and boundar- Fwicketkeeper-batter KL Rahul   have done that and should have tried
            Some of the reasons that con-  ies. There was Travis’ catch and some   following his 66-run knock against   to play his game. If you’re batting
        tributed to the success were the con-  excellent work in the deep from Da-  Australia  in  the  ODI  World  Cup   in tough conditions and the bound-
        stant rotation of bowlers and fielding   vid Warner and Marnus Labuscha-  2023 final match on Sunday. While   aries  aren’t  coming  easily,  then  at
        changes according to the game plan.  gne,” Raina said.              speaking on a Pakistani-based chan-  least you’ve got to rotate strike. That
            “What swung the game in Aus-      The six-wicket victory marked   nel, A Sports, Misbah said that Ra-  wasn’t happening, there were a lot of
        tralia’s favour was Pat Cummins’   Australia’s sixth  in  the  history of   hul did not trust the other batters in   dot balls,” Malik said on A Sports.
        captaincy.  The  way  he  brought   the 50-over World Cup, on the oth-  the first inning of the game.     The former right-handed batter
        Glenn Maxwell into the attack to get   er hand, India remained with two   He further added that the   added that the Indian wicketkeep-
        the  wicket  of  Rohit  Sharma  with  a   World Cups following the team’s   31-year-old was thinking of reaching   er-batter should have been more
        brilliant catch from Travis Head was   successes in 1983 in England and on   the  250-run  mark  for  his  team  and   proactive against Australia in the
        very smart. Adam Zampa was great   home soil in 2011.               it got difficult. However, the former   ODI World Cup 2023 final match.
        too, as was Cummins himself in dis-   Raina was still lively by the per-  cricketer also praised the Indian   “He has been taking a lot of re-
        missing Virat Kohli. They outplayed   formance of India and believes that   right-handed batter and said that he   sponsibility when India loses quick
        India  and  were very solid  in  their   they can make amends at the next   played very well against spin bowling.  wickets upfront. If you will see his
        planning,” Raina said in his column   edition of the tournament in South   “KL plays spin very well and we   innings (against Australia) 66 off 107
        for the ICC.                      Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia in   have seen it throughout the tourna-  balls, it was not a KL Rahul innings.
            “I think  Cummins showed real   2027.                           ment. He plays well square of the   He went into a zone, where he only
        temperament in his captaincy. He      “We will see the Indian team do-  wicket, front of the wicket, and uses   wanted to play the whole fifty overs.
        changed his bowlers knowing he    ing well again because they know how   his feet really well. But today his ap-  He should have been a little more
        could put pressure on each India bat-  to reach the latter stages of tourna-  proach was that he was waiting. He   proactive,” he added.
        ter even though they were all in such   ments now. It just takes a bit of time   maybe was not trusting the other bat-  He explained that the Narendra
        good form. His tactics made all the   to understand how to manage those   ters. He was thinking about getting   Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad had
        difference, and his planning and ex-  pressure situations, especially  when   the team to 250 and it got difficult,”   long side boundaries and the Aussie
        ecution was perfect,” Raina added.  you’re  at  home.  Sometimes  when   said Misbah.                 players used it well against the ‘Men
            Australia’s brilliance in the field   there’s a lot of pressure you can lose   former Pakistan cricketer Shoaib   in Blue’.

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