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WELLNESS                                                           NOVEMBER 19, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 34

                                                                         SPinE SEriES: 1

                                                        lumBar StEnOSiS

                                                common cause of low back
                                                and leg  pain is Lumbar Ste-
                                          a nosis, a type of Spinal Ste-
                                          nosis. Spinal stenosis  is a the  nar-
                                          rowing  of the spaces in the spine
                                          causing pressure on the spinal cord
             DR NILESH SONI               and nerves.
                                              As you age, your spine changes
                DYNAMIC PHYSICAL
                THERAPY SERVICES          which often lead to  wear and tear
                                          of the bones, discs, muscles and liga-
            43-43 Kissena Blvd., Suite 110  ments that make up the spine. These
                Flushing, NY 11355        changes may cause Lumbar Stenosis.

                About Dr Nilesh Soni      Within the bones that make up

         Dr Nilesh Soni has been a clinician   the spine,  also called verte-
          for the past 30 years and is one of   brae, there is a canal (or tube)
          the leading industry experts in the
          field  of  Physical  Therapy  in  New   where the spinal cord is locat-
         York. Dr Soni founded Dynamic    ed. Between  the many  bones
         Physical Therapy Services in 2003.   of  the  spine,  there  are  open-                        Normal Spine
         His credentials include Doctorate
          of  Physical  Therapy  from  MGH   ings where bundles of nerves
         Institute Of Health Sciences, Mas-  exit to reach other parts of the
          ters in Physical Therapy from New   body.
         York University, another Masters in
         Physical  Therapy  from  Universi-   The spinal cord and nerves carry
          ty of Bombay, India , and he is a   messages between the brain and the
         Board  Certified  Geriatric  Clinical   body.
         Specialist by the American Physical
         Therapy Association.               What cauSES lumBar
         Dr Soni has mentored hundreds              StEnOSiS?
          of  Physical  Therapists  and  has   Lumbar stenosis can occur when
          conducted over 1000 lectures to   there  is  a  narrowing  of  the  spaces
          educate community dwelling old-  where the nerves travel through the
          er  adults.  At  Dynamic  Physical   spinal column or between the bones
         Therapy, Dr Soni has implement-  of the spine.                              Spinal Stenosis pic1              Spinal Stenosis :pic2
                                              Degenerative changes, or “wear
          ed innovative programs such as   and tear,” can cause shrinking of the
          the Neck Spine Rehabilitation   height of the bones in the spine. This   strength and tingling or numbness in
         Program  and  hands-on  treatment   can narrow the spinal canal and the   the legs may occur. Individuals over   hOW iS Dynamic
          protocols focused on myofascial   canals from where the nerve roots   age 50 are more at risk for develop-  PhySical thEraPy
          release procedures for pain man-  exit.                           ing spinal stenosis.                       DiFFErEnt?
          agement. Outside of his work, Dr    This compression and narrow-
         Soni enjoys playing various sports,   ing can place greater pressure on the   hOW PhySical thEraPy       We have experienced staff who
          travelling and photography.     sensitive  nerves, resulting  in  back     can hElP?                have  specialized  in  spine  care  and
                                          pain, pelvic pain, leg pain, and pos-                               can treat you with targeted manual
                                          sibly loss of strength.               Physical Therapy treatment    techniques to resolve pain and dys-
               You can contact at :                                         is  aimed  at  improving  posture,  re-  function arising from Lumbar Steno-
              718 395 2393                     What haPPEnS in              storing spinal alignment, stretching   sis. Additionally, we have advanced

                   or email at:               lumBar StEnOSiS?              tight structures and learning healthy   diagnostic techniques such as the
                                                                                                              EMG (Electromyography) and NCS
                                                                            ways of moving. Physical Therapy
              [email protected]            Symptoms of lumbar stenosis   has  been  proven very  effective  in   (Nerve conduction studies) which
                 or visit website at:     often become worse with stand-    eliminating pain related to Lumbar   are geared toward identifying the
                ing or walking. Complaints of leg   Stenosis without overuse of harmful   scope and severity of your problem
                                                                            opioids and other invasive proce-
                                          burning or cramping are common.
                                                                                                              and helping you back to active life-
                                          With more severe symptoms, loss of   dures.                         style in no time.
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