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IMMIGRATION                                                        NOVEMBER 19, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 38

                    florida detox centers provides

             further Guidance on resume review

                in Labor certification recruitment

        CYRuS D. MEHTA & JESSICA   and ascertain whether there   on-the-job training.     applicant without an interview   a duty to investigate the appli-
                                                                  Previous decisions by the
        PASzKO*                    are U.S. workers available for   Board of Alien Labor Certi-  even though there was a rea-  cant further given the level of
                                   the job. Employers may only
                                                                                                                     detail in the applicant’s resume
                                                                                          sonable possibility that the ap-
        U     nder the Immigration   reject applicants for lawful, job   fication  Appeals  (“BALCA”)   plicant met the requirements   which allowed it to readily de-
                                                                                          of  the  job  opportunity.    The
                                                                                                                     termine that the applicant’s
                                   related reasons in accordance
                                                              have  indicated  that  where  an
              (“INA”),  U.S.  employ-
        ers wishing to sponsor a foreign   with  20  C.F.R.  §  656.10(c)(9),   applicant’s resume shows a   applicant’s resume clearly indi-  experience was not similar or
                                                                                                                     relevant to the job opportunity.
                                                                                          cated that the applicant lacked
                                   such as when an applicant is not
                                                              broad range of experience,
        worker for employment and   qualified for the job opportuni-  education, and training  that   the required two years of ex-  The BALCA was satisfied
        permanent residence must first   ty. However, the regulations   raises a reasonable possibility   perience in the job offered.   with the employer’s explana-
        prove to the Department of La-  also provide that a U.S. worker   that the applicant is qualified,   Nonetheless, the DOL argued   tion for rejecting the applicant
        bor (“DOL”) that there are no   is able and qualified for the job   even if the resume does not ex-  that the employer did not meet   and that the employer, in the
        sufficient workers who are able,   opportunity  if  the  worker  can   pressly state that the applicant   its burden by failing to investi-  selection  process, concluded
        willing,  qualified  and  available   acquire the skills necessary to   meets all the requirements, the   gate the applicant further and   that based on the applicant’s
        for the prospective job and that   perform the duties involved in   employer bears the burden of   conducting an interview. The   resume and its business op-
        hiring the foreign worker will   the occupation during a rea-  further investigating the appli-  DOL pointed to the applicant’s   erations  and  staffing,  that  the
        not adversely affect the wag-  sonable period  of  on-the-job   cant’s credentials. See Blessed   resume which indicated expe-  applicant possessed two years
        es and working conditions of   training. 20 C.F.R. § 656.21(e)  Sacrament School, 96-INA-52,   rience similar to the job duties   of  experience  in  only  25%  of
        workers in the U.S. similarly   (4).  Therefore,  an  employer   slip  op.  at  3  (Oct.  29,  1997);   described on Form 9089 as well   the job duties, and that for
        employed. INA § 212(a)(5)(A)  may lawfully reject a U.S. work-  Matter of Goldman Sachs &   as the applicant’s four years of   the remaining 75% of the job
        (i).                       er for being unqualified, only if   Co., 2011-PER-01064 (June   experience in the Operations   duties, the applicant would re-
            Before employers can file   the employer determines that   8, 2012). These decisions dis-  Analyst/Strategic Sourcing Co-  quire a full two years of train-
        an Application for Permanent   a U.S. applicant does not meet   cussed in a previous blog put   ordinator industry.  ing in 40% of the job duties,
        Employment  Certification,  or   the  requirements  listed  on   pressure on employers to inter-  In the matter before the   and more than the normal six
        Form  9089,  sponsoring  a  for-  Form 9089 and the U.S. appli-  view  U.S.  applicants,  no  mat-  BALCA, the employer, on   months of training in the re-
        eign worker, they must conduct   cant could not acquire the skills   ter how convinced they may   reconsideration,  thoroughly  maining 55% of the job duties.
        a good faith recruitment effort   during a reasonable period of   have  been  that  the  applicants   expanded on its reasons for   The BALCA found that the
                                                                  were  unqualified  for  the   rejecting the applicant and de-  employer’s explanation, which
                                                                  position based on their re-  tailed why the applicant was   the employer substantiated by
                                                                  sumes, or else risk a deni-  unqualified for the job oppor-  detailing the specific period of
                                                                  al of the foreign worker’s   tunity such that an interview   time that training would take,
                                                                  labor  certification.  How-  or further inquiry was unnec-  sufficiently  demonstrated  that
                                                                  ever,  a  recent  BALCA   essary. The employer argued   the applicant could not ac-
                                                                  decision, Florida Detox   that it was not able or willing   quire the necessary experience
                                                                  Centers, 2017-PER-00236   to accept less than two years of   through a reasonable period
                                                                  (Aug. 24, 2021), may offer   experience, as stated on Form   of on-the-job training. The
                                                                  some leeway to employers   9089, nor should it have been   BALCA accepted the employ-
                                                                  by allowing them to reject   required to do so, given the high   er’s argument that it should
                                                                  applicants on the basis of   specific vocational preparation   not be required to offer more
                                                                  their resumes.          level (“SVP”) of 8 assigned by   than 6 months of on-the-job
                                                                      In Florida Detox Cen-  the DOL for the occupation   training for an Operations An-
                                                                  ters, the employer sought   of Operations Analyst under   alyst assigned an SVP level of
                                                                  to employ an “Operations   O*Net Code 13-1111. An SVP   8 because the additional train-
                                                                  Analyst”  with  “two  years   of 8 generally requires between   ing “would severely jeopardize
                                                                  of experience in the job of-  four and ten years of education,   the  operational  and  financial
                                                                  fered,” and having found   training, and/or experience, but   well-being of the business, par-
                                                                  no such U.S. worker, filed   the employer was only requir-  ticularly when the specific pur-
                                                                  Form  9089  sponsoring  a   ing two years of experience in   pose of [the job opportunity] is
                                                                  foreign worker for the po-  the job offered. The employer   to improve and maximize effi-
                                                                  sition. The employer was   compared each duty identified   cient and effective operations”
                                                                  subjected to  supervised   in the Form 9089 to the appli-  of the business.
                                                                  recruitment  by the DOL.   cant’s resume and determined   While the BALCA’s con-
                                                                  In its recruitment report,   that the applicant only had   clusion appears helpful to em-
                     m of                                         the employer stated that it   experience  in  25%  of  the  job   ployers, it should not be taken
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          received 240 applications   duties described in the form.   to mean that all employers
                                                                  for the job opportunity,
                                                                                          The employer also stated that
                                                                                                                     can  avoid  a  labor  certification
                                                                                             interviewed 20 applicants   the applicant lacked any expe-  denial by relying on the argu-
             it found to be potential-  rience in three important job   ment that necessary job ex-
                                                                  ly  qualified  and  rejected   duties described in the form.   perience cannot be acquired
                            220 applicants because   According to the employer, it   through a reasonable period
                                                   
             ­       they did not possess the   was “unrealistic to . . . consider   of on-the-job training. Indeed,
              ‚                                              
                                                                  minimum of two years    an applicant completely lack-  in a 2012 decision, Kennamet-
                                                                  of experience based on   ing experience in nearly 40% of   al Inc., 2010-PER-01512 (Mar.
                                                                  the face of their resumes.   the job duties,” especially given   27, 2012), the BALCA found
                                                                                          the employer’s requirement of
                                                                  The  DOL  denied  labor
                                                                                                                     that the employer rejected a
                                                                  certification,  finding  that   a minimum of two years of ex-  number of applicants for other
          2              6th Floor                                the employer rejected a   perience in each job duty. The   than  lawful,  job-related  rea-
                potentially  qualified  U.S.   employer claimed not  to  have   sons. There, the employer did
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