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BUSINESS EYE                                                       NOVEMBER 19, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 36

                all economic indicators point to a strong

                              bounce back, says government

                    Indian economy is expected to grow beyond 10% in this fiscal, but inflation is emerging as a key risk

        OuR BuREAu

        New Delhi/Mumbai
            ndia is bouncing back. The worst
            phase of the economy, as per the
        igovernment estimates, is over.
        On Thursday, commerce and indus-
        try minister Piyush Goyal said that
        economic indicators were pointing to
        a bounce back, while underlining the
        country’s commitment to multilateral
        trade rules.
            At a business summit, Goyal also
        said that India is looking at recipro-
        cal and equitable access for its goods
        through free trade agreements, while
        seeking to ensure that it also got a
        good deal on the services front. The
        minister, who is leading the negoti-
        ations with a host of countries from
        Canada and the EU to the UK, UAE
        and Australia, also said some of the
        trade treaties signed in the past were
        not balanced, resulting in a massive
        trade deficit.
            Asked about India’s trade with
        China, Goyal said the country’s ex-
        ports are growing to every part of the
        world and, as commodity prices are          union Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal addresses the Global Services Conclave in New Delhi (ANI)
        ruling high in the global markets, “we
        do expect imports also to grow”. He,  India’s real GDP growth in FY22 to   despite constraints in shipping and   “The  current  world  order  has
        however, added that a large part of   exceed 10% supported  by  a  record   logistics,  Kumar  said.  “Inflation  is   been substantially altered and this
        India’s imports are products, which   kharif crop and bright rabi prospects.  emerging as a key risk to sustainable   is bound to give rise to a new post-
        either it does not produce sufficiently   This will boost rural income and con-  global economic recovery with supply   COVID dispensation. In this state
        or have a requirement for them as a   sumption,” he said.           chain constraints and rising energy   of  flux,  space  has  been  created  for
        raw material or for re-processing for   According to Kumar, significant   prices,” he added.          aspiring and emerging powers to take
        export purposes.                  increase  in  exports  will  also  boost   The International Monetary   center stage and help shape a new
           “All  imports  are  not  necessarily   economic growth and employment   Fund has projected the global to grow   world with a better future for all,” the
        bad. But one has to strengthen In-  generation while the gradual pickup   at 5.9% in 2021 with the real GDP of   report adds.
        dia’s domestic capabilities,” the min-  in contact-intensive services sector is   advanced  economies  projected  to   “Indeed, rays of recovery are be-
        ister added. He also said that the gov-  further likely to support the growth   expand  by  5.2%  whereas  emerging   ginning to emerge in our economies.
        ernment remained open to talks with   momentum.                     market and developing economies   The International Monetary Fund
        farmer unions who were protesting    “The  rapid  vaccination  drive   are expected to grow more.     (IMF) projects that the global econo-
        over three laws and maintained any   across the country will ensure that   According to World Economic   my will grow by 6% in 2021, and fore-
        resolution is not linked to assembly   the risk of future waves is minimized,”  Forum, despite the economic dev-  casts 9.5% growth in the Indian econ-
        elections in Uttar Pradesh.       he hoped.                         astation caused by the virus, India’s   omy. At the same time, the world is
            In a related development, NITI    Kumar further said that the   agile response has been commend-  seeing exponential growth in digital
        Aayog vice-chairman Rajiv Kumar   trade growth in India is rebounding   able, especially as the country rallied   services and infrastructure, from the
        said the Indian economy is expect-  strongly, with much stronger imports   to manage a deadly second wave of   adoption of large-scale work-from-
        ed to grow beyond 10% in this fiscal,  than exports, reflecting India’s robust   the  virus  early  in  2021.  “India  was   home arrangements to the use of
        supported by a record kharif crop,  economic recovery. “Higher than ex-  the first country to feel the impact of   cloud services and videoconferenc-
        bright  rabi  prospects  and  strong  re-  pected revenue trends driven by both   the virulent Delta variant but quickly   ing,” the Forum report said.
        bound in trade. However, inflation is   direct and indirect taxes have provid-  swung into action to ensure that as   These are definitely hopeful signs
        emerging as a key risk to sustainable   ed the much-needed fiscal space for   many people as possible were vacci-  for Indian economy. But the coming
        global economic recovery with supply   required policy action,”.    nated. One billion doses of the vac-  months are crucial as the virus is still
        chain constraints and rising energy   Globally too, trade is rebounding   cine have already been administered,”  in circulation and India is far from
        prices, Kumar cautioned. “We expect   faster than global economic growth   says a Forum report.       vaccinating its entire population.

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