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ENTERTAINMENT EYE NOVEMBER 19, 2021 | The Indian Eye 30
international film festival of india to honour
Hollywood icon Martin scorsese
The 52nd edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) will be held from November 20 to 28 in Goa
Martin Scorsese ‘Koozhangal’ is India’s official entry at the Oscars this year
OuR BuREAu gy and providing a platform for the classes at the Festival. These young- ing the Cannes Grand Prix Special du
industry artists to interact with OTT sters will be selected through com- Jury, a FIPRESCI Award, two Silver
players. petition for young filmmakers from Lions, three Golden Eagle Awards,
nion Minister for Informa- The union minister has an- around the country. The Competi- and a Primetime Emmy Award,” the
tion and Broadcasting Anurag nounced that for the first time ever, tion aims to provide a platform to statement said.
UThakur has announced that films from five BRICS nations, i.e., 75 young filmmakers, actors, singers, “Retrospective will also comprise
film directors Istvan Szabo and Martin Brazil, Russia, South Africa, China and scriptwriters, and others to showcase of Dadasaheb Phalke Award winner,
Scorsese will be conferred the Satyajit India will be showcased through the their talent at a globally recognized Shri Rajinikanth. The festival will pay
Ray Lifetime Achievement Award at BRICS Film Festival alongside IFFI. event,” he said. a Special Tribute to Sir Sean Connery,
the 52nd International Film Festival The 52nd IFFI will pay homage to According to the statement is- the first actor to portray fictional Brit-
of India (IFFI) in Goa. actors Dilip Kumar, Sumitra Bhave, sued by the Ministry of Information ish secret agent James Bond on the
For the first time ever, IFFI has Buddhadeb Dasgupta, Sanchari Vijay, and Broadcasting, the Retrospective big screen,” it added.
invited major OTT players to partici- Surekha Sikri, Jean-Paul Belmondo, section in the 52nd IFFI will feature Tamil film ‘Koozhangal’, which
pate in the festival. Istvan Szabo is one Bertrand Tavenier, Christopher Plum- renowned Hungarian filmmaker is India’s entry for the 2022 Acade-
of the most critically acclaimed Hun- mer and Jean-Claude Carriere. Bela Tarr. my Awards, will be screened in the
garian film directors of the past few Anurag Thakur further informed His films have won accolades at Indian Panorama segment of the up-
decades known for masterpieces like that IFFI will provide a platform for Berlin, Cannes and Locarno Film Fes- coming International Film Festival
Mephisto (1981) Father (1966). Mar- young budding talent from across In- tival. He is an auteur filmmaker who of India (IFFI).
tin Scorsese is one of the major figures dia to connect with mainstream cine- has created his own visual style. Organized by the Directorate of
of the New Hollywood era, widely re- ma filmmakers and the industry. “Retrospective of Russian film- Film Festivals of India, Ministry of
garded as one of the greatest and most “75 creative minds (under 35 maker and stage director Andrei Kon- Information and Broadcasting, Gov-
influential directors in film history. years) will be invited to interact with chalovsky will also be shown. His films ernment of India in collaboration
“India is a land of storytellers, industry leaders and attend Master- have won numerous accolades, includ- with the State Government of Goa,
our tales have captured the imagina- the 52nd IFFI will be showcased to all
tion of the world. India’s wide variety And the Golden peacock goes to… the registered delegates and represen-
of stories rightly makes us the Con- tatives from the selected films during
tent Subcontinent,” Thakur said. The Some of the best films of the year which will compete for the nine-day long film festival in Goa.
union minister informed that for the the Golden Peacock and other awards: Also, the film festival will be conduct-
first time ever, IFFI has invited major ed in a hybrid format - virtual and
OTT players to participate at the fes- • any day now | Director: Hamy Ramezan | Finland physical - from November 20 to 28.
tival. • Godavari | Director: Nikhil Mahajan | Marathi, India As per a statement, 25 feature
In a first, Netflix, Amazon Prime, films and 20 non-feature films have
Zee5, Voot and Sony Liv will partic- • Land of dreams | Director: Shirin Neshat & S.Azari | New Mexico, USA been picked up for screening under
ipate at the Film Festival through • Leader | Director: Katia Priwieziencew | Poland the Indian Panorama segment.
exclusive Masterclasses, content ‘Semkhor’, the first-ever Dimasa
launches and previews, curated film • Moscow does not Happen | Director: Dmitry Fedorov | Russia language movie directed by Aimee
package screenings, and various other • ring Wandering | Director: Masakazu Kaneko | Japan Baruah is the jury’s choice for the
on-ground and virtual events. opening feature film of Indian Pan-
Thakur said that the trend of • semkhor | Director: Aimee Baruah | Dimasa, India orama 2021. Kannada feature films
watching movies on OTT is on the rise • The first fallen | Director: Rodrigo de Oliveira | Brazil ‘Dollu’, ‘Talendanda’, and ‘Neeli Hak-
and IFFI is embracing new technolo- ki’ will also be screened at IFFI.