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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 19, 2021 | The Indian Eye 26
it is right to call Jack ciattarelli
the ‘people’s Governor’
ncumbent Governor, Elected
Governor, Past governor, are
isome phrases one common-
ly encounters in the political argot.
However, the full-scale drubbing
Governor Murphy received from
Team Ciattarelli (Mr. Ciattarelli and
the unexpected large-scale undecid-
ed voter drift coupled with lopsided
and erroneous electoral predictions)
sent shock waves not just to Murphy
administration but the entire Demo-
cratic party at large.
This was exacerbated by the
surrealistic expectations by the Gov-
ernor based on lopsided electoral
predictions, ultimately leading to a
lackluster celebration at the Murphy
headquarters. This led to the emer-
gence of a new addition to the polit-
ical vernacular, ‘People’s Governor’.
Even as the counting of the votes is
under progress, despite AP calling
the race, the popularity and hope
of voters for Mr. Ciattarelli did not
seem to have lost its sheen. Jack Ciattarelli
This is unlike any other race,
where people seem to move on the Between mask mandates and was quickly perceived as an insult Touché, regardless of the hairline
moment results are declared and the controversially repugnant school to New Jersey. Added to this, Mr. percentage difference and the fab-
live election results do fall off the curricula, New Jersey parents were Murphy’s open love for the Red Sox ricated “low name recognition” tag,
front page of the newspapers. It’s fed up with administration telling (neither illegal nor unconstitutional, the roaring success of Mr. Ciattarelli
natural for a candidate to be ner- them how to raise their children and ‘Choice’ applies to sport teams too) brought Mr. Murphy back to ground.
vous, however, the sustained popu- more importantly what needs to be further fueled the non-Jersey rhet-
larity amidst not so favorable voter taught to the children, which Mr. oric. Jack quickly hammered this
gap for Mr. Ciattarelli only indicates Ciattarelli drove home successfully home and snowballed this as native v.
that his consistent sustained focus on by highlighting them as “Kitchen ta- out of state narrative. When riding in
New Jersey and New Jersey alone, ble” issues. By deftly understanding an extreme ‘left’ HOV lane, every lit-
seemed to have paid off. Mr. Ciat- dissatisfaction and quickly tapping tle thing matters. Collectively, all the
tarelli not only successfully built his into frustration on School curricula, minor and trivial issues compounded
own impregnable voter base but also Mr. Ciattarelli waged an ideological, and went unnoticed causing damage
successfully eroded Mr. Murphy’s pragmatic, and an issue-based war, to Mr. Murphy’s prospects. Mr. Mur-
voter base. This is a political double which neither political pundits nor phy owes this self-inflicted damage to
whammy! This erosion can be mean- the Mr. Murphy noticed. his own muffling of rising Ciattarel-
ingfully extrapolated to state that “If Taxes are your issue, we are li’s popularity and to the denial of the
the liberal, left-leaning inclination probably not your state”. Mr. Ciat- rising unrest among the masses.
of New Jersey is not only falsifiable tarelli half-jokingly mentioned in Everything is fair in politics and Arun Kumar is an editor, pilot,
and non-genetic, but is issue-ori- several of his speeches that it took war. As someone who understood talk-show host, and an avid reader.
ented in nature. These traits can be him twenty-two takes to accurately people’s common-sense problems in His interests include aerospace
noted even in elections across the repeat this famously infamous state- the true sense of the word, and more engineering, American politics,
Delaware river, in Virginia. Both Mr. ment. Well, but it took him only 1 importantly with a will to resolve, geopolitics, international relations,
Youngkin and Mr. Ciattarelli, albeit take, electorally, to shake Mr. Mur- coupled with a determined focus and history. He is also the Director
in different strategic ways, proved phy’s overconfidence and arrogance. on NJ and NJ alone, Mr. Ciattarel- of Outreach and Coalition Asian-
that impossible is possible. This comment of Mr. Murphy also li is really the ‘People’s Governor’. American, Jack Ciattarelli Campaign