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NATION NOVEMBER 17, 2023 | The Indian Eye 8
Rishi Sunak leads Diwali
celebrations in London
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday attended a Diwali event where
lamps were lit to celebrate the ‘festival of lights’ on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
K Prime Minister Rishi Su-
nak welcomed guests from
Uthe Hindu community to
Downing Street ahead of Diwali. Vi-
suals shared by Downing Street on X
showed the UK PM and his wife, Ak-
shata Murty, lighting diyas, surround-
ed by a large number of people who
had come to join the celebration.
“Shubh Diwali to everyone across
the UK and around the world,” the
post by UK Prime Minister’s office said.
As several United Kingdom poli-
ticians have opened their doors to the
Indian population ahead of the Di-
wali celebrations, Speaker of the UK
House of Commons, Lindsay Hoyle,
hosted the Indian High Commission-
er to the United Kingdom, Vikram
For the first time ever, the First Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty on their way to welcome guests ahead of the Diwali festival at Downing Street in London (ANI)
Minister and two most senior minis-
ters (Health and Economy) of Wales
attended the Diwali celebrations Meanwhile, Canadian Prime
organized by the Indian Consul in Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednes-
Cardiff on Wednesday. Diwali cele- day attended a Diwali event where
brations in Wales are a collaboration lighted lamps to celebrate the ‘festival
between the Welsh Government and of lights’ on Parliament Hill in Otta-
Consul of India, Wales. wa. This comes amid an ongoing dip-
On the occasion, Welsh First lomatic standoff between India and
Minister Mark Drakeford announced Canada, which has resulted in deteri-
plans for a new Welsh and Indian eco- orated ties between the nations.
nomic initiative next year. Sharing the event’s glimpse on
Speaking at the event at Glam- his official Instagram handle, Trudeau
organ Cricket Club in Pontcanna, the wrote, “In just a few days, people across
69-year-old Labor politician revealed the country and around the world will
the details for the Year of Wales in India celebrate Diwali and Bandi Chhor Di-
2024, which aims to create even great- vas. Both celebrations are about the
er economic and cultural ties between triumph of light over darkness, and
the two nations. The launch is due to about optimism - and both are a sym-
take place in India around St David’s bol of the light we all need more of.”
Day (March 1, 2024), and other events “To everyone who came together
are planned in a number of cities in- for yesterday’s event on Parliament
cluding Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. Sunak and Akshata Murty light a ceremonial at Downing Street on Wednesday (ANI) Hill: Happy Diwali! Happy Bandi Ch-
The First Minister was joined by hor Divas! I hope the celebrations this
Health Minister Baroness Eluned and included some exuberant festiv- al events in India next year to build week bring you optimism for the year
Morgan, Economy Minister Vaughan ities, with traditional Indian music, even stronger links between our two ahead,” he said further, extending his
Gething, Deputy High Commissioner dancing and food. nations. The main themes for these wishes on the occasion.
Shri Sujit Ghosh, who all spoke at the Speaking at the event Indian Con- meetings will include trade and invest- Diwali is the Hindu festival of
event which was organized by Indian sul Raj Aggarwal voiced his excite- ment, education, culture and health. lights which symbolizes the spiritual
Honorary Consul Raj Aggarwal. ment for the forthcoming initiatives. This is a great opportunity to consoli- victory of light over darkness, good
The packed Diwali celebration Raj Aggarwal said: “We are date our relationships to ensure great- over evil. This year, Diwali will be cel-
was attended by hundreds of guests looking forward to organizing sever- er cooperation in the coming years.” ebrated on November 12.