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OPINION NOVEMBER 17, 2023 | The Indian Eye 11
stands the right of states to self-de-
fense in light of external aggression,
as recognized in the United Nations
The Israel–Hamas conflict has
raised concerns in Thailand, primari-
ly due to the unfortunate deaths and
abductions of Thai migrant workers.
There were approximately 30,000
Thai nationals in Israel, with a smaller
number also present in Gaza. More
than 30 Thai nationals lost their lives.
Thailand has expressed its condem-
nation of “the killing of innocent ci-
vilians, regardless of nationality, by
any group and for whatever reason”.
Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Jak-
kapong Sangmanee urged for “a solu-
tion that would allow Palestine and
Israel to coexist”. Protests were also
organized against the ongoing bom-
bardment in the Gaza Strip.
Cambodia chose not to partici-
pate in the voting on the United Na- Israel has maintained diplomatic relations with the majority of ASEAN member states (File photo)
tions General Assembly resolution on
27 October. The Cambodian Foreign
Ministry condemned “all acts of ter- the Philippines since its formation, drones and radar systems. Vietnam, in lous Muslim-majority nation and gen-
rorism and violence against innocent which has expanded to include many recent years, has strengthened its de- eral elections are also scheduled to be
civilians” and urged for the “uphold- dimensions today. The Philippines fense relations with Israel, primarily held in early 2024. There has been a
ing international humanitarian law”. was among the 33 countries that sup- encompassing joint training exercis- resurgence of Islamic conservatism in
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ported the 1947 UN vote that led to es and the procurement of defense Indonesia during the last two decades
of the Lao People’s Democratic Re- the creation of Israel. Full diplomatic equipment, including drones and ra- and escalating contestation over reli-
public came out with a brief statement relations between the two countries dar systems. gious authority, which is progressively
on 10 October urging “all parties con- were realized upon the signing of the Myanmar established diplomatic gaining prominence in mainstream
cerned to resume a negotiation pro- Treaty of Friendship on 26 February relations with Israel as early as 1953. narratives, including those in the po-
cess and restore mutual trust for solv- 1958. The Israeli Embassy in Manila Myanmar’s (then Burma) first Prime litical sphere.
ing the long-overdue Palestinian issue and the Philippine Embassy in Tel Minister, U Nu was the first prime Diverse opinions, therefore, ex-
through the establishment of two sov- Aviv were both opened in 1962. Stra- minister of any country to visit the ist within the ASEAN member states
ereign states coexisting peacefully in tegic and defense ties have progres- Jewish state, in 1955. Myanmar has a concerning the Israel–Hamas conflict.
line with the relevant UN resolutions sively become stronger. robust arms relationship with Israel. While certain member states, such
and international law”. Laos in the Several ASEAN countries have Israeli arms companies are reported as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and
past has consistently demonstrated procured weaponry, surveillance to have maintained trade with Myan- Laos manifest a pronounced sense of
support for the Palestinian cause. equipment and defense systems from mar despite an international arms em- solidarity with the Palestinian cause,
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Israel, to bolster their military capa- bargo on the country and even after others such as the Philippines, Sin-
of Vietnam expressed “profound con- bilities. Furthermore, certain nations the February 2021 coup. gapore, Myanmar, Cambodia and
cern over the escalating violence be- within the ASEAN community share As noted in earlier sections, citi- Thailand, tend to incline either to-
tween Hamas and Israel that has led to mutual interests in counterterrorism zens of Southeast Asian nations like wards supporting Israel or adopt a
massive civilian casualties as the Gaza initiatives and intelligence exchange. Philippines and Thailand work in Is- stance of neutrality like Vietnam.
strip saw the deadliest day in over 50 Another noteworthy dimension of rael in significant numbers and have Notably, there has been no criticism
years”. The Ministry of Foreign Af- collaboration lies within the domain been caught in the crossfires of the of one ASEAN member’s stance by
fairs in Myanmar issued a two-line of maritime security and disaster latest Israel–Hamas conflict. On the another, indicating tacit acceptance
press release, wherein it urged “con- relief, particularly humanitarian as- other hand, several ASEAN nations, of each other’s positions, in line with
cerned parties to exercise restraint sistance, wherein a select group of including Indonesia, Malaysia, and the ASEAN Charter’s principle of
and seek a peaceful resolution”. No- ASEAN countries have fostered co- Brunei, maintain either limited or non-interference.
tably, the release did not specify the operative efforts. non-existent defense relations with Is-
names of any of the parties involved. Singapore, for instance, one of rael. Historically, these countries have Om Prakash Das is Research Fellow at
Israel has maintained diplo- the largest economies in Southeast expressed strong reservations and the Manohar Parrikar Institute for De-
matic relations with the majority of Asia, has maintained close defense criticism regarding Israel’s policies to- fense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
ASEAN member states. Myanmar relations with Israel since its indepen- wards the Palestinian issues. Views expressed are of the author and
(1953), Thailand (1954), the Phil- dence in 1965. This relationship en- Brunei, Malaysia and Indone- do not necessarily reflect the views of
ippines (1957), Cambodia (1960) compasses various defense initiatives, sia have not established diplomatic the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
and Singapore (1968–69) were including collaborative training exer- relations with Israel since its estab- Government of India.
among the earliest countries to es- cises, arms procurement, and technol- lishment as a modern state in 1948.
tablish diplomatic ties with Israel. ogy exchange. These three ASEAN nations have This article first appeared in the
Vietnam (1993) and Laos (1993) Thailand and Israel have forged Muslim-majority populations and Comments section of the website (www.
have more recently initiated for- a substantial defense cooperation, have consistently expressed solidarity of Manohar Parrikar Institute
mal diplomatic relations with Israel. featuring the acquisition of diverse Is- with the Palestinian cause. Indonesia, for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
Israel has had deep relations with raeli military assets such as fighter jets, for instance, is the world’s most popu- Delhi on November 7, 2023