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12 NOVEMBER 10, 2023
2022 Holiday Open Streets Drove $3 Million, 6.6 Percent Increase in Spending at Local
Businesses, According to Mastercard Study
New York, NY
ew York City Mayor Eric
Adams has unveiled plans to
Nbring back and expand the
popular holiday season Open Street
along Fifth Avenue and around
Rockefeller Center in Midtown Man-
hattan this December.
Building on the success of last
year’s groundbreaking program, the
2023 version will set a record for
New York City’s largest-ever holiday
season-specific Open Street — ex-
panding geographically by nearly 25
percent to reach Central Park and
running again on three Sundays in
December (3, 10, and 17) between
noon and 6:00 PM.
This year, the iconic Fifth Ave-
nue corridor will be fully open
to pedestrians between 48th
Street and 59th Street, in addi-
tion to the area around Rocke-
feller Center and Radio City Mayor Adams’ vision for a pedestrian- and family-friendly Fifth Avenue has also proven beneficial to local businesses
Music Hall that will be pedes- Avenue has also proven beneficial to trian-centered boulevard. New Yorkers and tourists alike to
trianized throughout the holi- local businesses. During the program “Open Streets are good for peo- Fifth Avenue Holidays Open Streets
day season. in 2022, businesses saw an additional ple and good for business, and we again this year,” said Chief of Staff
$3 million in spending — a 6.6 per- can’t wait to bring back the iconic Camille Joseph Varlack. “These
cent increase — according to a study Fifth Avenue Open Street this holi- events offer a model of public-pri-
This dramatic expansion of pub- conducted by Mastercard, in partner- day season — bigger and better than vate partnership to boost our econo-
lic space in one of the world’s busiest ship with the New York City Office ever,” said Mayor Adams. “I felt the my and available open space. We ap-
neighborhoods at this time of year of Technology and Innovation (OTI) energy walking down the middle of preciate the significant effort of our
will significantly ease crowding — fa- and Chief Public Realm Officer Ya- Fifth Avenue last year — it was elec- city’s agencies — including DOT and
cilitating access to the iconic holiday Ting Liu. To deliver these commer- tric. And as we get excited for more NYPD — in making these events
window displays and creating a more cial and safety benefits all year round, of the same this December, we’re happen.”
pleasant holiday environment while the Adams administration is working moving full speed ahead on perma- “We are excited that under May-
also enhancing public safety for New with the “Future of Fifth” partner- nently reimagining Fifth Avenue, so or Adams’ leadership, we are bring-
Yorkers and visitors. ship and their core consultant team people can have this incredible expe- ing back the Fifth Avenue Open
Mayor Adams’ bold vision for a to permanently reimagine Fifth Ave- rience every day of the year.” Street,” said New York City De-
pedestrian- and family-friendly Fifth nue as a safer, less congested, pedes- “We look forward to welcoming Continued on next page... >>