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OPINION NOVEMBER 17, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
Israel–Hamas Conflict
and Southeast Asian
Responses to the Crisis
Several ASEAN countries have procured weaponry, surveillance equipment and defense systems from Israel,
to bolster their military capabilities. Furthermore, certain nations within the ASEAN community share
mutual interests in counterterrorism initiatives and intelligence exchange
OM PRAKASH DAS At the GCC-ASEAN Summit convened on 20 October 2023 in Riyadh, the participating leaders engaged in comprehensive discussions and artic-
outheast Asia has also been af- ulated profound concerns about recent developments in the Middle East (File photo)
fected by the rapid sequence of
Sevents that began on 7 October ative for a sustainable and enduring As for individual country re- upon by the U.N.”. Singapore’s Min-
when Hamas launched its daring at- ceasefire. They called upon all parties sponses, on 17 October 2023, Malay- istry of Foreign Affairs strongly con-
tack on Israel. ASEAN member states to facilitate efficient access to human- sian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim demned the Hamas “terror attacks”.
official positions and statements con- itarian assistance, relief supplies and spoke to Ismail Haniyeh, the political Both the Singaporean President and
cerning the ongoing violent conflict essential services. They also urged ‘the bureau chief of Hamas, and expressed Prime Minister sent letters to Pales-
between Israel and Hamas reflect immediate and unconditional release support for an immediate ceasefire tinian leaders, expressing condolenc-
varying stances regarding the sensitive of civilian hostages and detainees, es- in the Gaza Strip. Malaysia’s govern- es for the increasing casualties in the
issue, influenced by historical, domes- pecially women, children, the sick and ment stated that it was “deeply con- Gaza Strip, and have pledged human-
tic, demographic and strategic factors. the elderly’. cerned over the loss of so many lives in itarian aid worth US$ 300,000.
At the Gulf Cooperation Council In another statement issued on and around the Gaza Strip”. Without About 30,000 Filipinos work in
(GCC)-ASEAN Summit convened the same date (20 October), ASEAN naming Israel, Kuala Lumpur also ac- Israel, including around 150 migrant
on 20 October 2023 in Riyadh, King- Foreign Ministers called for the full cused the world’s “flagrant hypocrisy workers in Gaza. Tragically, some
dom of Saudi Arabia, the participat- respect of international humanitarian in dealing with any regime that prac- Filipino workers have lost their lives
ing leaders engaged in comprehensive law. They reaffirmed the multilater- tices apartheid and blatantly violates during recent attacks, and the process
discussions and articulated profound al group’s “support for a negotiated human rights and international law”. of evacuation of citizens is ongoing.
concerns about recent developments two-state solution that would allow The Indonesian Foreign Ministry President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has
in the Middle East. These leaders un- both Israelis and Palestinians to live asserted that “the root of the conflict, expressed clear support for Israel, one
equivocally condemned all acts of ag- side by side in peace and security namely the occupation of the Pales- of the country’s close allies. Marcos
gression targeting civilian populations consistent with relevant United Na- tinian territories by Israel, must be stated that “the Philippines under-
and underscored the pressing imper- tions Security Council resolutions”. resolved, by the parameters agreed Continued on next page... >>