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BIG STORY                                                          NOVEMBER 17, 2023  |      The Indian Eye                     4

                             INDIA-US 2+2 DIALOGUE

           A DIWALI GIFT

                On the eve of the Festival of Lights, India and US commit themselves to multiple

             partnerships ranging from trade, investment, technology, defense and supply chain
                    resilience. These commitments may light up the path of India-US relations

        OUR BUREAU                        Defense Minister Rajnath Singh with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Aus-
                                          tin, Chief of Defense Staff General Anil Chauhan and other dignitaries during the 5th India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in New Delhi on Friday (ANI)
        New Delhi
           n a sign of growing relations be-  partnership  between  the  two  coun-  has a particular significance as a fol-  the India-US 2+2 Dialogue and the
           tween India and the US, Defense   tries as the “strongest ever.” “It is   low-up would be done on Prime Min-  meetings were indicative of enduring
        IMinister Rajnath Singh, External   always wonderful to be here in India.   ister Narendra Modi’s June visit and   commitment of India-US bilateral
        Affairs Minister S Jaishankar along   We are building a remarkable year of   President Biden’s September visit.  partnership.
        with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Aus-  engagement...We have not only the   “So, Secretary Antony Blinken,   India  Foreign  Secretary  Vinay
        tin and Secretary of State Antony   strongest bilateral partnership we’ve   let me welcome you, this is your third   Kwatra  said  on  Friday  that  Prime
        Blinken met for the US-India 2+2   ever had, but also a regional one, and   visit  this  year...This  visit (of Secre-  Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit
        Ministerial Dialogue which got un-  indeed, a global one that was further   tary  Blinken)  has  particular  signifi-  to the US and President Joe Biden’s
        derway here just two days ahead of   evidenced by India’s leadership for   cance because we need to follow up   visit to India during the G20 Summit
        Diwali, the festival of lights.   the G20 this year,” Blinken said.  on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s   has given a strong leadership driven
            The India-US 2+2 Ministeri-       “We have a lot to do, including   June visit and President Biden’s Sep-  momentum to further bolster this re-
        al Dialogue is a diplomatic summit   with our defense colleagues. I think it’s   tember visit. This is a 2+2 Ministerial   lationship between the two countries.
        held every year since 2018, with the   further evidence of our resolute focus   Dialogue, so we take a broader view   Addressing  the  special  briefing
        Minister of External Affairs and the   for the United States on the Indo-Pa-  of  what  we  are  doing”  the  External   after  the  fifth  2+2  Dialogue,  Vinay
        defense minister representing India   cific, our region for the future; the fu-  Affairs Minister said.  Kwatra said, “We have just now con-
        while the Secretary of State and the   ture is actually now, and we’re build-  This year’s dialogue is more im-  cluded a very rewarding and sub-
        Secretary of Defense represent the   ing it together with India...,” he added.  portant  than  the  others  as  multiple   stantive, the fifth edition of 2+2 dia-
        United States.                        S Jaishankar welcomed US Secre-  partnerships ranging from trade,   logue between India and the US. The
            Earlier, Antony Blinken met Jais-  tary of State Antony Blinken and said   investment,  technology  and  supply   meetings today and the atmosphere
        hankar and described the India-US   that this visit (of Secretary Blinken)   chain resilience were discussed in   Continued on next page... >>

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