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BUSINESS EYE                                                        OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 35

                                                              TECH T@LK

              YouTube expands sleep timer feature to all users

        Users will also be able to create collaborative playlists and customize their thumbnails using personal photos or generative AI tools

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            ing personal photos or generative AI
                                                                                                              tools, according to GSM Arena.
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                                  In an effort to foster community
              ouTube has announced a series                                                                   interaction, YouTube will introduce
              of updates aimed at enhancing                                                                   voting capabilities on videos within
        Yuser experience, driven largely                                                                      playlists later this year.
        by user feedback.                                                                                         The  platform  is  also  rolling  out
            Among the most notable changes                                                                    badges in the YouTube and YouTube
        are the introduction of a finely adjust-                                                              Music apps on mobile, recognizing
        able playback speed and the expan-                                                                    achievements such as being an early
        sion of the sleep timer feature to all                                                                paid member of a channel or success-
        users, according to GSM Arena.                                                                        fully completing quizzes.
            YouTube is now allowing users to                                                                      YouTube is also focusing on im-
        modify  playback speed in more pre-                                                                   proving its television experience by
        cise  increments  of  0.05,  a  significant   YouTube is also focusing on improving its television experience by adding    adding a more cinematic feel. Users
        improvement over the previous 0.25                      a more cinematic feel (File photo)            can expect visual enhancements, in-
        increments.                                                                                           cluding new pops  of  pink  and other
            Users can still enjoy videos at  ables viewers to set playback to stop  landscape mode on iOS devices, set to   subtle design touches aimed at adding
        speeds up to 2x, but this new feature  after specific intervals: 10, 15, 20, 30,  roll out later this year.  dynamism to the platform, GSM Are-
        offers a greater level of control for  or 45 minutes, or even after one hour.   Furthermore,  the  in-app  na reported.
        those who want to customize their  Additionally, users can opt for the tim-  mini-player has been revamped, mak-  When accessing a channel page
        viewing experience.               er to end playback when the current  ing it both resizable and movable for   on smart TVs, videos will automatical-
            The sleep timer, previously exclu-  video  concludes,  according  to  GSM  easier navigation. Users will also be   ly play as teasers, allowing viewers to
        sive to Premium subscribers, is now  Arena. YouTube has also announced  able to create collaborative playlists   preview creators’ content instantly.
        available to all users. This feature en-  improvements for users browsing in  and customize their thumbnails us-  (With agency reports)

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