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BUSINESS EYE                                                        OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 34

          Adani Group completes QIP of equity shares

                            process worth US$ 500 millions

           Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani has emerged as the highest wealth gainer,

                                                as per Forbes India Rich List 2024

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            & Watkins LLP acted as Legal Coun-
                                                                                                              sels to the BRLMs as to Indian law
                                                                                                              and international law, respectively.
              dani  Enterprises  Limited                                                                          Meanwhile, Adani Group Chair-
             (AEL)  on  Thursday  said  it                                                                    man  Gautam  Adani  has  emerged
        Ahas  successfully  completed                                                                         as the highest wealth gainer, as per
        the qualified institutional placement                                                                 Forbes India Rich List 2024. The
        (QIP) of equity shares of face value of                                                               increase is more than the combined
        Rs 1 each of AEL (“Equity Shares”)                                                                    gain in the net worth of Reliance
        aggregating to approximately Rs                                                                       Industries Limited Chairman and
        4,200 crores (USD 500 million).                                                                       Managing Director Mukesh Ambani
            According to Adani, a total of                                                                    and Savitri Jindal, OP Jindal Group
        1,41,79,608 Equity Shares were allo-                                                                  Chairperson Emeritus - the top three
        cated at an issue price of Rs 2,962 per                                                               names on the list.
        equity share through the QIP.                                                                             Gautam Adani’s net worth in-
            The transaction was launched                                                                      creased to USD 116 billion--USD
        post-market hours on 9 October                                                                        48 billion higher than the previous
        2024 with a deal size of approximate-                                                                 year’s and highest by any Indian in a
        ly INR 4,200 crores (USD 500 mil-                                                                     year. With this, his net worth valued
        lion) and closed on 15 October 2024.                                                                  by Forbes is now at USD 116 billion.
            The QIP saw overwhelming de-             Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani addressing an event (ANI)  As per the list, second biggest gain-
        mand, receiving bids of approximate-                                                                  er was Mukesh Ambani. He gained
        ly 4.2x of the deal size from a diverse   transport and logistics sector, new   diture,  debt repayment and  gener-  USD 27.5 billion during 2024, taking
        group of investors, including global   energy ecosystem (including solar   al corporate purposes. SBI Capital   his net worth to USD 119.5 billion.
        long-only investors, major Indian mu-  and wind manufacturing) and data   Markets  Limited,  Jefferies  India   This helped him maintain the
        tual funds, and insurance companies.  centers in the energy and utility sec-  Private Limited and ICICI Securities   top position as per Forbes, albeit
            This underscores AEL’s position                                                                   the lead has fallen significantly with
        as India’s largest listed incubator of   tor. AEL’s other businesses including   Limited were the book running lead   Adani to only USD 3.5 billion.
                                          copper, PVC, defense and special-
                                                                            managers for the Issue (“BRLMs”).
        scalable and large businesses in core                                                                     Savitri Jindal surpassed Shiv
                                                                                Further Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
        infrastructure which addresses the   ized manufacturing, focus on import   acted as an advisor in connection with   Nadar (third richest Indian  as per
                                          substitution and addresses India’s vi-
        needs of India.                   sion of Atmanirbhar Bharat.       the issue. Cyril Amarchand Mangal-  Forbes in 2023), gaining USD 19.7
            AEL’s current incubation portfo-                                                                  billion. Savitri Jindal is India’s rich-
        lio includes airports and roads in the   The proceeds from the QIP will   das acted as Legal Counsel to AEL as   est woman and is MLA from Hisar.
                                          be utilized for funding capital expen-  to Indian law and Trilegal and Latham
                    Google announces AI-led collaborations for health,

                                           sustainability and agriculture

         OUR BUREAU                       a roundtable in Bengaluru, marking   prove billions of lives.”      research to the first patient screen-
                                          the fifth anniversary of Google’s Re-  Google is working with Forus   ing in Madurai, India, we’ve been
                                          search Lab in the city. This follows the   Health and AuroLab in India and Per-  committed to translating AI’s poten-
                oogle has unveiled a series   10th edition of the Google for India   ceptra in Thailand to provide 6 mil-  tial into meaningful change for peo-
                of new AI-powered part-   event, which showcased the potential   lion AI-assisted screenings for diabet-  ple globally. And now the partner-
         Gnerships aimed at advanc-       of AI to benefit individuals, business-  ic retinopathy over the next decade.  ships with Forus Health, AuroLab,
         ing healthcare, sustainability, and   es, and society at large.        These screenings aim to detect   and Perceptra are helping us expand
         agriculture in India. The tech giant   Dr Manish Gupta, Research Di-  and prevent blindness in diabetic pa-  on this commitment, as a global net-
         is collaborating with both local and   rector of Google DeepMind, stated,   tients, particularly in resource-limited   work of innovators comes together
         international organizations to im-  “Collaborating with key Indian or-  communities. The AI model has al-  to eradicate preventable blindness
         plement AI-driven solutions in dia-  ganizations, our focused research in   ready supported over 600,000 screen-  due to diabetic retinopathy.”
         betic retinopathy screening, urban   India across language understanding,   ings worldwide, with initial research   Google’s  CircularNet,  an
         waste management, and agricultural   healthcare, agriculture, and sustain-  and deployment carried out in India.  AI-driven computer vision model
         development.                     ability is helping tackle many of the   Sunny Virmani, Group Prod-  for waste management, is being de-
             According to Google, these   country’s unique challenges and cre-  uct Manager, Health AI Research at   ployed in partnership with Bengalu-
         announcements  were  made  during   ating AI-led solutions that will im-  Google, remarked, “From our initial   ru-based Saahas Zero Waste.

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