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IMMIGRATION                                                         OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 36

              USCIS’ Change in CSPA Policy

                 Can Help Aged Out Children

                  Who Missed Out During the

            October 2020 Visa Bulletin EB-3

                               Advance for India

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND      age calculation of an appli-  cumstances where the immi-  for CSPA age-out protection  months later. In its latest
                                   cant who established extraor-  grant visa became available   under the new policy; and  guidance, USCIS addresses
        KAITLYN BOX                dinary circumstances and is  and then unavailable, the    Clarifies that the agency  this scenario, clarifying that
        O      n September 25, 2024,   excused from the ‘sought to  CSPA age calculation may   considers applicants to have  October 1 would be consid-
                                   acquire’  requirement  uses  use the date an immigrant
                                                                                          met the requirement if their  ered  the  date  the  visa  first
                                                                                          application  to  adjust  their  became available for CSPA
                                   the date that the immigrant  visa first became available if
               that it had updated
        guidance in the USCIS Poli-  visa  first  became  available  the applicant demonstrates   status was pending on Feb-  age calculation purposes.
                                                                                          ruary 14 and they applied to  The USCIS Policy Manual
                                   when the immigrant visa is  extraordinary circumstances
        cy Manual Child Status Pro-  continuously available for a  for not applying for adjust-  adjust status within one year  provides the following hypo-
        tection Act (CSPA) age for   1-year period without any in-  ment  of  status  before  the   of a visa becoming available  thetical:
        noncitizens who demonstrate   tervening visa unavailability;  immigrant visa became un-  based on the Final Action   A  visa  first  becomes
        extraordinary circumstances.   and                    available.”                 Dates chart under the policy  available to the prospective
        The new guidance:              Clarifies  that  under  cir-  USCIS’ latest guidance   guidance  that  was  in  effect  applicant for accepting and
            “Clarifies that the CSPA
                                                                 builds on policy guidance   when they applied.”     processing their application
                                                                  it previously issued on    In a previous blog, we  on October 1, 2020, and the
                                                                  February 14,  2023, clar-  discussed USCIS’ 2023 guid-  visa remains available to the
                                                                  ifying that it “considers   ance at length. Due to US-  prospective applicant un-
                                                                  a visa available to  cal-  CIS’ pre- February 14, 2023  til December 31, 2020. The
                                                                  culate CSPA age at the   guidance, some noncitizen  visa was only available for 3
                                                                  same time USCIS con-    children may not have ap-  months and was therefore
                                                                  siders a visa immediate-  plied to adjust status because  not available for a continu-
                                                                  ly available for accepting   a visa was not  available  to  ous 1-year period. As of Jan-
                                                                  and processing the ad-  calculate their CSPA age un-  uary 1, 2021, the prospective
                                                                  justment of status appli-  der the prior policy or their  applicant cannot apply for
                                                                  cation”. In August 2023,   CSPA age would have been  adjustment of status because
                                                                  USCIS issued further    calculated to be over 21 years  a visa is no longer available.
                                                                  policy guidance which:  old. If these noncitizens ap-  A visa becomes available
                                                                      “Explains that US-  plied to adjust their status  again to the prospective ap-
                                                                  CIS considers the Feb-  under the February 14, 2023  plicant on July 1, 2021. The
                                                                  ruary 14 policy change   guidance, they could claim  prospective applicant applies
                                                                  to be an extraordinary   an exception to the one-year  for adjustment of status with-
                                                                  circumstance that may   “sought to acquire” require-  in 1 year, on June 15, 2022.
                                                                  excuse an applicant’s   ment if the delay in filing was  Although USCIS provides
                                                                  failure to meet  the    the result extraordinary cir-  the applicant with another
                                                                  ‘sought to acquire’ re-  cumstances.               1-year period to seek to ac-
                     m of                                         quirement;                 USCIS’ 2023 guidance  quire because the visa was
                                                                      Clarifies  that  the
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          agency may excuse an    left unclear what it would  first available for less than a
                                                                                          consider  to  be  the  date  an  year, the applicant includes
                                                                                             applicant’s failure to   immigrant  visa  first  became  an explanation and evidence
             meet the requirement if   available in the case of ret-  demonstrating  extraordinary
                                                                  they did not apply to ad-  rogression. In the October  circumstances for not apply-
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             ­       just status because they   2020 visa bulletin, for ex-  ing for adjustment of status
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                                                                  could not calculate their   ample, priority dates (which  during the first visa availabil-
                                                                  CSPA age under the pri-  were the Dates for Filing)  ity period between October 1
                                                                  or policy or their CSPA   for  many  India-born  benefi-  and December 31, 2020. US-
                                                                  age  would  have  been   ciaries with approved EB-3  CIS determines, as a matter
          2              6th Floor                                calculated as over 21,   I-140 petitions became cur-  of discretion, that the appli-
                                                                  but they are now eligible   rent, only to retrogress a few  cant established extraordi-
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