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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah OCTOBER 25, 2024 | The Indian Eye 32
Do You Like to Find Excuses like I Don’t have
enough time? How Honest Are You with Yourself?
In life, we often encounter tasks or challenges that we’d rather avoid. To sidestep them, we
resort to making excuses. But how often do we truly face the reality of our situation?
strategize for growth mindset
Q: How do excuses affect personal
growth and progress?
A: Excuses can hinder personal
growth and progress by preventing
us from facing challenges and taking
necessary actions.
Q: How can I identify my excuses?
A: Pay attention to the reasons
you give for not taking action or
avoiding tasks.
Q: What can I do to overcome excuses?
A: To overcome excuses, start by
Hirav Shah Excuses can hinder personal growth and progress by preventing us from facing challenges and challenging their validity. Ask yourself
taking necessary actions (File/Agency photo) if your excuses are based on genuine
n this blog post, we’ll delve into others and using perceived inade- constraints or if they’re simply barriers
you’ve created to avoid discomfort.
the world of excuses, explore the Execution:
Iimportance of honesty with one- quacy as an excuse to avoid trying • Put your understanding and strate- Q: Is it okay to struggle or face chal-
or improving.
self, and provide actionable strategies Q: What are excuses, and why do we gy into action: A: Yes, it’s completely normal to
to overcome excuses and pursue per- make them? • Identify Your Excuses: Keep a struggle or face challenges. Growth
sonal growth. A: Excuses are explanations we give to journal or mental note of the excus- often involves overcoming obstacles
Are you relating to any of justify why we haven’t taken action or es you make in various situations. and learning from setbacks. Be pa-
the below excuses? fulfilled our responsibilities. We make • Challenge Your Excuses: When tient with yourself and recognize that
you catch yourself making excuses,
1. “I don’t have enough time.”: Put- excuses because we often feel uncom- pause and question their validity. progress takes time.
ting off exercise or healthy eating fortable facing challenges or taking Are they based on reality, or are Q: How can self-compassion help in
because of a busy schedule. risks, so our minds try to protect us by overcoming excuses?
they limiting beliefs?
2. “I’m too tired.”: Skipping out on finding reasons to avoid them. • Take Proactive Steps: Instead of A: Self-compassion involves be-
social activities or hobbies because Explanation: succumbing to excuses, take small, ing kind to yourself and acknowledg-
of fatigue. ing that it’s okay to make mistakes or
Excuses often arise from a de-
3. “It’s too difficult.”: Avoiding learn- sire to protect ourselves from fail- manageable actions towards your encounter difficulties.
goals. Break tasks down into smaller
ing a new skill or hobby because it ure or discomfort. When faced with steps and tackle them one at a time. Q: What should I do if I keep making excus-
seems challenging. es despite my efforts to overcome them?
4. “I’m not good enough.”: Holding a daunting task or challenge, our • Practice Self-Compassion: Be pa- A: If you find yourself constant-
minds instinctively search for reasons
tient with yourself and acknowl-
back from pursuing a new job or to avoid it. By understanding the psy- edge that progress takes time. Cel- ly making excuses, consider seeking
promotion due to self-doubt. support from friends, family, or a
5. “I’ll do it later.”: Procrastinating chology behind excuses, we can bet- ebrate your efforts, even if they’re professional counselor.
ter recognize and address them.
small, and learn from setbacks
on tasks or responsibilities that along the way. Conclusion:
could be done now. Strategy:
Excuses are natural defense
6. “I’ll start tomorrow.”: Delaying the • To overcome excuses, it’s crucial to Example: mechanisms, but they can hold us
start of a new habit or goal because adopt a mindset of self-awareness • Imagine you’ve been putting off back from realizing our full potential.
it’s more convenient to begin at a and accountability. This involves: starting a fitness routine because By understanding the psychology be-
later time. • Identifying Excuses: Take a moment you tell yourself you’re too busy.
7. “I don’t have the resources.”: Us- to reflect on the excuses you tend • By identifying this excuse and hind excuses, adopting a mindset of
self-awareness and accountability,
ing lack of equipment or materials to make and the situations in which challenging its validity, you re- and taking proactive steps towards
as an excuse to avoid starting a they arise. Are they based on gen- alize that you could carve out our goals, we can overcome excus-
project or pursuing a passion. uine constraints or deeper fears? time by adjusting your sched-
8. “I’m too old/young.”: Believing • Challenging Excuses: Question the ule or prioritizing exercise. es and pursue personal growth with
honesty and authenticity. So, the next
that age is a limitation for trying validity of your excuses. Are they • Taking proactive steps, such as time you catch yourself making ex-
new things or making changes in legitimate reasons or mere barriers scheduling workouts in advance or cuses, ask yourself: How honest am I
life. you’ve created to avoid discomfort finding short, convenient exercises,
9. “I’m too busy.”: Neglecting to pri- or risk? helps you overcome your excuse being with myself, and what steps can
I take to overcome them?
oritize self-care activities such as • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Rec- and make progress towards your
meditation, relaxation, or hobbies ognize that it’s okay to struggle or fitness goals. The writer is a well known Business
due to a packed schedule. face challenges. Be kind to yourself • Let’s play quick Questions and Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
10. “I’ll never be as good as [some- and acknowledge that growth of- Answers for Excuses- it may clear and BestSelling Author.
one else].”: Comparing oneself to ten involves overcoming obstacles. many doubts and can help you to [email protected]