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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 25

             Dr. Satheesh Kathula Receives The Daniel

                    Blumenthal Award on Behalf of AAPI

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           t was a true privilege and honor
           to receive the Daniel Blumenthal
        IAward on behalf of AAPI,” said
        Dr. Satheesh Kathula, President of
        the American Association of Physi-
        cians of Indian Origin (AAPI) after
        receiving this prestigious award in
        Washington, DC on October 9, 2024.
        “Many thanks to the past presidents,
        leaders, and volunteers of AAPI who
        made this possible. This award truly
        inspires all AAPI members, who are
        serving the community and our soci-
        ety at large.”
            The American College of Pre-
        ventive Medicine (ACPM) presented   invited and participated in a panel dis-
        the fourth annual Dr. Daniel S. Blu-  cussion on equity in medical practice
        menthal Award to four organizations   and leadership roles in medicine along
        in recognition of efforts to promote   with Lucille Perez, MD, Past Presi-
        health equity. National Medical As-  dent National Medical Association
        sociation (NMA), National Hispan-  (NMA), Gilbert Burgos, MD, MPH,
        ic Medical Association (NHMA),    interim President and Chairman of
        National  Council  of  Asian  Pacific   the NHMA Board of Directors, Na-
        Islander Physicians (NCAPIP) were   tional Hispanic Medical Association
        the  other  organizations    that  were   (NHMA), Winston F. Wong, MD,
        recognized for their organizations’   MS, FAAFP, Chair and Acting CEO
        exemplary work.                   of National Council of Asian Pacif-
            “ACPM congratulates the NMA,   ic Islander Physicians (NCAPIP).
        NHMA, NCAPIP and AAPI on this         “Indian  Americans  are  un-
        well-deserved recognition. Their   derrepresented in leadership roles
        dedication to promoting equity in   disproportionate to the number of
        the practice of medicine contributes   physicians we have, Dr. Kathula
        significantly to the overall health and   said during the panel discussion. “At
        well-being of our nation,” a state-  AAPI, we all should prioritize en-
        ment issued by ACPM stated.       couraging and mentoring the physi-
            The  Blumenthal Award  serves   cians including young physicians to   health system and a healthy nation.  Residents and Fellows Section) runs
        as a celebration of the progress made   take leadership positions to make a   The Blumenthal Award serves   under the main AAPI umbrella to
        to rectify inequities in our nation’s   positive impact.”           as a celebration of the progress made   give representation to them. 1 in ev-
        health system and a reminder of the   Dr. Kathula expressed his appre-  to rectify inequities in our nation’s   ery 7 people in the USA is touched
        work that still needs to be done to   ciation to Dr. Mirza Rahman, Presi-  health system and a reminder of the   by the care of a physician of Indian
        address ongoing, persistent barriers   dent of ACPM for the invitation and   work that still needs to be done to   origin at any given time.
        to achieving full access to medical   Dr. Jill Whalen for moderating the   address ongoing, persistent barriers   AAPI also has a Charitable
        care, preventive services, lifestyle   session. “We had a great discussion   to achieving full access to medical   Foundation (AAPI-CF) that spear-
        interventions, health education and   about  equity  in  healthcare  and  as   care, preventive services, lifestyle   heads free clinics and health fairs in
        well-being for all.               ethnic physician organizations how   interventions, health education and   India. Currently, 7 such clinics are
            “I am proud to recognize these   can we address or fix the issues sur-  well-being for all.       being actively run in various states of
        deserving organizations that have   rounding equity in healthcare,” said   Founded in 1982, the American   India under the AAPI flagship.
        demonstrated an unwavering com-   Dr. Kathula. “Thanks to Dr. Mirza   Association of Physicians of Indian   Every year, this mammoth cohort
        mitment to diversity in medicine,”   Rahman, President of ACPM for   Origin represents a conglomeration   of physicians and physicians-to-be
        stated Dr. Mirza Rahman, President   the invitation and Dr. Jill Whalen for   of more than 80,000 practicing phy-  get together in a grand extravagan-
        of ACPM. “Patients and health sys-  moderating the session.”        sicians in the United States. In addi-  za, the Annual AAPI Convention, a
        tems both benefit when the physician   ACPM encourages collaboration   tion, it also serves as a platform for   beautiful blend of professional pro-
        population is representative of the   among providers, policymakers and   more than 40,000 medical students,   grams with cutting-edge CME along
        diverse patient population that we   institutions to address the nation’s   residents and fellows of Indian origin   with a dash of color in the form of
        see in America.”                  health challenges effectively, as a di-  in this country.           social events and exhibits featuring
            Immediately   following  the  verse health professional workforce   The AAPI YPS/MSRF (Young      esteemed invitees from the United
        awards ceremony, Dr. Kathula was   is integral to a highly functioning   Physicians Section/Medical Students,   States and India.

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