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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 22

        NYC Mayor Adams Appoints Chauncey Parker

                         as Deputy Mayor for Public Safety

                     Mona Suazo Will Serve as Assistant Deputy Mayor for Public Safety

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            we face, we are always stronger and
                                                                                                              better when we work together,” said
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              Deputy Mayor for Public Safety
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                    Chauncey Parker. “I am grateful to
               ams has announced two new                                                                      Mayor Adams for this opportunity to
        Nappointments that will con-                                                                          continuing building on this adminis-
        tinue to keep New Yorkers safe. First,                                                                tration’s progress and creating new
        Mayor Adams appointed Chauncey                                                                        government and community partner-
        Parker, a nearly 40-year veteran of                                                                   ships for every public safety responsi-
        law  enforcement,  as  deputy  mayor                                                                  bility we face — youth crime, subway
        for  public  safety,  effective  immedi-                                                              crime, retail theft, drug overdoses,
        ately. Additionally, Mayor Adams                                                                      quality of life concerns, and more.”
        announced the appointment of Mona                                                                         Chauncey Parker has dedicated
        Suazo as assistant deputy mayor for                                                                   his  career  to  keeping  New  Yorkers
        public safety. As deputy mayor, Park-                                                                 safe at multiple levels of government.
        er will be tasked with coordinating                                                                   Since July, Parker has served as assis-
        across all city agencies on public safe-                                                              tant deputy mayor for public safety,
        ty matters as he delivers on Mayor                                                                    where he has focused on gun violence
        Adams’ vision of keeping New York                                                                     prevention, strategies to divert young
        the safest big city in America. Under                                                                 people from the criminal justice
        Mayor  Adams’  leadership,  the  five                                                                 system, and multi-agency and com-
        boroughs continue to see reductions                                                                   munity partnerships to drive down
        in crime, with September marking the                                                                  crime and improve quality of life.
        ninth straight month in a row where                                                                       Immediately prior, Parker served
        overall crime decreased.                                                                              as deputy commissioner for collabo-
            “Public  safety  is  the  prerequi-  working at the city, state, and fed-  Suazo take the lead on our admin-  rative policing for the New York City
        site to prosperity, and I can think   eral levels building bridges between   istration’s public safety portfolio   Police Department (NYPD), where
        of no one better to help lead our   law enforcement and communities   through the next successful chapter.”      he fostered shared responsibility
        efforts to keep New Yorkers safe   across the state. We are safer, stron-  “In my almost 40 years of pub-  for public safety through productive
        than Chauncey Parker,” said Mayor   ger, and better connected thanks to   lic service, the most important thing   partnerships with individuals, gov-
        Adams. “Chauncey is a lifelong pub-  Chauncey’s service to our city, and   I have learned is the power of part-  ernment agencies, and communi-
        lic servant who has spent his career   I am thrilled to have him and Mona   nerships. No matter what challenge   ty-based organizations.

                NYC Mayor announces Tentative Agreement Between

                               DC37, Local 205, and Day Care Council

        OUR BUREAU                        tiated between DCCNY and DC 37    Year Programs, and longevity-based   years to come.”
                                          — which covers employees at dozens   payments which had been suspended   “Our early childhood workforce
        NEW YORK, NY
                                          of non-profit child care organizations   for over a decade are to be resumed   works tirelessly to ensure New York
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-  who contract with the New York City   effective October 1, 2024   City’s youngest children have the op-
               ams, New York City Office of   Department of Education (DOE) —   “Working families cannot thrive   portunity to receive high-quality ed-
        NLabor Relations (OLR) Com-       provides compounded wage increas-  without child care, and to build a   ucation that helps them grow, learn,
        missioner Renee Campion, District   es of 16.21 percent. The wage in-  strong child care system in this city,   and thrive. This agreement addresses
        Council 37 (DC 37) Executive Di-  creases are retroactive, with the first   we must invest in the New Yorkers   long-standing wage and compensa-
        rector Henry Garrido, and Day Care   increase effective October 1, 2022.   who make it run every day,” said   tion inequities and reinforces the
        Council of New York (DCCNY) Ex-   The tentative agreement also es-  Mayor Adams. “I am thrilled DC    Adams administration’s commit-
        ecutive Director Tara Gardner today   tablishes an $18 per hour minimum   37 and the DCCNY have reached   ment to lifting up our early child-
        announced a tentative five year, five   pay  rate,  effective  October  2024,   an agreement that will deliver well   hood educators,” said Deputy May-
        month, and 12 day contract agree-  provides a $2,000 lump sum ratifica-  earned-raises and establish a strong   or for Strategic Initiatives Deputy
        ment between DC 37/1707, Local 205   tion bonus to each employee, and a   minimum wage for thousands of   Mayor Ana J. Almanzar. “New York
        (DC 37), and the DCCNY to raise   $1,000 per employee contribution to-  hard-working New Yorkers. With   City’s families and economy depend
        wages for thousands of child care   wards health insurance for child care   this  agreement,  we are  helping  put   on a strong, well-compensated early
        providers cross the city and establish   workers. Additional payments will   more  money back into  the  pockets   childhood workforce and I thank DC
        an $18 minimum wage.              also be made every summer to em-  of working-class New Yorkers and   37 and DCCNY for their partnership
            The  tentative  agreement  nego-  ployees working Extended Day and   investing in our child care system for   in getting this done.”

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