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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

               American Punjabi Society, Women’s Council

            and Blood Cancer Specialists Host 5K Cancer

                         Awareness Walk at Eisenhower Park

                                                                                                              Origin (AAPI), including Dr. Kishan
        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Kumar, Dr. Rakesh Dua, Dr. Asha
                                                                                                              Dua, and Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan.
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              Their presence highlighted the im-
              he American Punjabi Society                                                                     portance of continued health educa-
              (APS), in collaboration with                                                                    tion and support.
        TBlood Cancer Specialists and                                                                             Key organizers from APS in-
        the APS Women’s Council, hosted a                                                                     cluded President Gary S. Sikka, Ex-
        highly successful 5K Cancer Aware-                                                                    ecutive  Vice President Mohinder
        ness Walk at Eisenhower Park on                                                                       S. Taneja, and General Secretary
        Sunday, October 13, 2024. The event                                                                   Varinder Sikka, with support from
        brought together over 300 partici-                                                                    Vice Presidents Paul S. Bindra, Ajay-
        pants, including families, children,                                                                  Veer S. Sondhi, and Jaspal S. Arora.
        community leaders, health profes-                                                                     Advisory Board members Eric Ku-
        sionals, and volunteers, all united to                                                                mar, Surjit S. Singh, Ranjit S. Bhatia,
        raise awareness for cancer preven-                                                                    Paramjit S. Sondhi, and Rajinder S.
        tion, promote fitness, and foster com-                                                                Taneja were also instrumental in en-
        munity spirit.                                                                                        suring the event’s success. Pradeep
            The walk was led by Blood Can-                                                                    Tandon, President of the India As-
        cer Specialists CMO Gurmohan                                                                          sociation of Long Island (IALI) and
        Syali, Dr. Tarun Wasil, and Dr. Jag-                                                                  APS Advisory Board member, was in
        mohan  Kalra,  all  prominent  figures                                                                attendance, further underscoring the
        in blood cancer care. Their involve-                                                                  significance of such community-driv-
        ment underscored the importance of                                                                    en health initiatives.
        raising awareness about cancer pre-                                                                       The APS Women’s Council, led
        vention and treatment through com-                                                                    by Chair Navneet Sondhi, played a
        munity engagement.                                                                                    pivotal role in the event’s coordina-
            Participants were treated to a va-                                                                tion and success. Supported by team
        riety of activities throughout the day.                                                               members Jessica K. Kalra, Esq.,
        The event featured numerous raffle                                                                    Shweta Malhotra, Priyanka Khan-
        prizes, generously donated by local                                                                   na, Dr. Taranjeet K. Ahuja, Dilsheet
        businesses such as Spartons Basket-                                                                   Kaur, Binny Kaur, Swati Anand,
        ball, Bowlmor, Marble, coffee shops,                                                                  Harleen Jolly, and Guntaj Arora, the
        Kumon,  Mathnasium,  and  Oceo-                                                                       Council ensured smooth operations
        glow, which added excitement and                                                                      throughout the day.
        fun. Attendees also enjoyed  a hot                                                                        The event began with a moving
        breakfast freshly prepared on-site by                                                                 Pledge of Allegiance, led by young
        Mint restaurant, including samosas,                                                                   volunteers, symbolizing the dedica-
        chole bhature,  sandwiches,  and hot                                                                  tion of the next generation to cancer
        tea, creating a warm and welcoming                                                                    awareness and community service.
        atmosphere.                                                                                           Nassau County Police were present
            Several health and wellness ven-                                                                  to ensure the safety and security of
        dors offered valuable services and ed-                                                                all attendees, showcasing their ongo-
        ucational activities:                                                                                 ing commitment to the community.
        • Krafty Hands by Priyanka engaged                                                                        The 5K Cancer Awareness Walk
          children with arts and crafts, en-                                                                  was more than just a fitness event—
          couraging creativity.                                                                               it was a powerful expression of uni-
        • Organ Donor Awareness by Dunesh                                                                     ty, education, and hope in the fight
          Kaur educated the public on the                                                                     against cancer. The collective efforts
          significance  of  organ  donation.  • First Aid Services led by Dr Kishan   • Pearl contributed nourishing food   of the American Punjabi Society, its
        • Blood Donation Awareness by Dr.   Kumar and Parminder Bhatti en-    to participants, further enhancing   Women’s Council, and Blood Cancer
          Tarun Wasil emphasized the impor-  sured participant safety throughout   the day’s community spirit.  Specialists underscored the impor-
          tance of blood donations in cancer   the event.                       Notable attendees included can-  tance of raising awareness for can-
          care.                           • Ankle and Foot Care by Dr. Arti   cer awareness advocates and 5K Run   cer prevention and care. This event
        • Physical Therapy Insights by Dr.   Kumar offered specialized health   specialists, Dr. Avtar Singh Tinna   serves as a testament to the impact
          Shynee Kumar provided guidance    advice.                         and Satnam Singh Parhar, alongside   that community collaboration can
          on the benefits of physical therapy   • Chase Bank provided financial in-  representatives from the American   have on addressing important causes
          for overall health.               sights and support.             Association of Physicians of Indian   and promoting health and well-being.

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