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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

             Diwali @ The Commons, to be held

                                          in Bridgewater, NJ

                Central New Jersey’s dominant retail center to host traditional and modern music and dance

                       performances, South Asian crafts, and giveaways to celebrate the Festival of Light

        OUR BUREAU
        Bridgewater, NJ
              ridgewater Commons, in partnership with
              Renascent Media, celebrates the South
        BAsian festival of lights with a spectacular
        live show in Center Court filled with music, dance,
        crafts, and giveaways on Saturday, November 2, 1
        pm – 3 pm in New Jersey.
            Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, symbol-
        izing the spiritual “victory of light over darkness,
        good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.”
        Guests dressed in traditional clothes are set to ex-
        perience a delightful mix of Diwali celebrations.
            “Diwali is about joy, good food, fireworks, can-
        dles, and lamps,” said Tom Kovacic, Marketing and
        Business Development Director at Bridgewater
        Commons. “As the heart of a diverse population
        in Central New Jersey, our center has a rare privi-
        lege in our industry to honor our substantial South
        Asian community. We’re thrilled to host a celebra-
        tion that we can all enjoy and learn from.”
            Diwali is the Hindu Festival of Lights symboliz-
        ing the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good
        over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.” Over   “Celebration of cultures serves as a powerful  and beverage locations including White House
        the centuries, the five-day celebration has become  catalyst for building bridges between people of dif-  Black Market, LOFT, Maggiano’s Little Italy,
        a national holiday in India, observed by other faiths  ferent backgrounds, and my goal is to bring main-  Shake Shack and Starbucks for visitors to explore
        as well, and honored wherever South Asians live.  stream brands to South Asian content. Through  and enjoy. Bridgewater Commons is an IREM®
            The event will have special guest emcees Ra-  this  collaboration,  we  hope  to  highlight  the  im-  Certified Sustainable Property. For more informa-
        dio Guru Kulraaj Anand and Anchor and Produc-  portance of cultural diversity and togetherness,”  tion, visit its website.
        er at ITV Gold Piya Jyoti Kachroo. The Bollywood  said Tanvi Prenita Chandra, founder of Renascent   Pacific Retail Capital Partners (PRCP) is one
        dances will be performed by the Satrangi School  Media.  Additionally, “By celebrating the ultimate  of the nation’s premier retail operating groups of
        of Fusion, a Bollywood dance studio by choreog-  victory of Good over Evil, we can raise awareness  large open-air and enclosed shopping centers, with
        rapher Rohheet Baxi. The group will feature adult  about the importance of light, hope, and unity.”  more than $3.0 billion in assets under management
        and child dancers as young as 8 performing tradi-  “Some of America’s most vibrant Indian com-  across the United States. Based in Southern Cali-
        tional and contemporary fusion Bollywood dances.  munities can be found in Central New Jersey and  fornia, the company’s portfolio totals 24 properties
            The  main  attraction  will  be  an  epic  Ramli-  represent a large percentage of shoppers at Bridge-  encompassing over 20 million square feet. With a
        la theatrical presentation by the Navrang Dance  water Commons,” Kovacic said. “We are proud to  highly experienced team that has a proven track re-
        Academy, with guests experiencing the breathtak-  honor them and join with them in celebrating this  cord of generating value for its stakeholders, PRCP
        ing moment when Lord Rama, alongside Sita and  beautiful, light-filled festival.”          is dedicated to evolving real estate for the next gen-
        Lakshmana, returns to his kingdom after 14 years   Bridgewater Commons began its South Asian  eration by working with the communities it serves
        of exile and the heroic defeat of Ravana.    cultural celebrations in 2022 with Bollywood dance  to design master plans that transform its assets into
            The Diwali celebration will feature arts and  spectaculars in Center Court that featured over 40  high-performing mixed-use destinations.
        crafts tables for families including the Henna art  performers drawing hundreds of guests. The annu-  Since 2007, Renascent Media has been bridg-
        application, decorative tea light and Indian sweets  al program has evolved and grown into this year’s  ing the gap between global brands and the South
        giveaways. The event will provide shopping prize  Diwali celebration. The 2024 Diwali celebration  Asian community through its integrated marketing
        giveaways and a selfie photo booth to share the Di-  promises to be a fun-filled affair at The Commons,  solutions. With a profound understanding of South
        wali experience.                             again.                                        Asian culture, the agency provides clients with
            An Arti, a Hindu prayer ritual employed      Bridgewater Commons is located along the  strategic insights, market research, and impactful
        in worship in which light from a flame is ritually  I-287 corridor at the intersection of Routes 22 and  advertising content across both traditional and
        waved to venerate deities, will be performed with  202/206 in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Bridgewater  digital platforms. Our services include media plan-
        guests holding electric candle lights.       Commons is a more than 1.2 million-square-foot  ning, buying, event management, influencer mar-
            Renascent Media, a pioneer in ethnic mar-  shopping center serving the Northern N.J. region.   keting and content production. The company has
        keting and production, is thrilled to spearhead its   Further enhancing the property is The Vil-  proudly produced all seasons of “Shoprite Cooking
        partnership with Bridgewater Commons to cele-  lage at Bridgewater Commons, a unique, open-air  Star” and serves clients like Wakefern Food Corp,
        brate Diwali.                                shopping district with over 10 retailers and food  National Retail Solutions, Raj Jewels and more.

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