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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 25, 2024 | The Indian Eye 17
construction of East River Park. There is no clearer example of this protection and climate change man- “These critical enhancements
“As one of the world’s great mission than the East Side Coastal agement for major North Ameri- to the east side’s waterfront parks
coastal cities, we know that stronger Resiliency project, where protection can cities, and doing it in a way that represent a landmark investment in
storms and rising seas are a threat, and playgrounds are being brought enhance recreation and enhances lifesaving flood protection for over
because no one knows when the next to you ahead of schedule and under neighborhoods instead of just wall- 110,000 residents on the Lower East
Superstorm Sandy will arrive at our budget,” said Deputy Mayor for Op- ing them in.” Side,” said New York City Depart-
doorstep; but New York City plans to erations Meera Joshi. “With the completion of this ment of Parks and Recreation Com-
be ready,” said Mayor Adams. “As part of our broader toolkit first portion of East Side Coastal missioner Sue Donoghue.
“Today, we are marking the com- to keep New Yorkers safe from big- Resiliency we are making concrete “Thanks to this innovative proj-
pletion of Phase One of East Side ger and more frequent storms, our progress on our critical work to pro- ect, Murphy Brothers Playground
Coastal Resiliency — two months coastal resiliency projects are help- tect New Yorkers from rising sea will reopen with improved recre-
ahead of schedule and $10 million ing us meet the scale of the climate levels and coastal storm surges like ational spaces, new measures to in-
under budget. Once the entire proj- crisis head-on. I look forward to cel- we experienced during Hurricane crease climate resiliency, and addi-
ect is completed, the protective gates ebrating ESCR’s completion in 2026, Sandy,” said New York City Chief tional amenities that will keep our
can be deployed when a hurricane thanks to the partnership of our Climate Officer and New York City urban landscapes vibrant and green
or storm surge is headed our way hardworking public servants at DDC Department of Environmental Pro- for all New Yorkers.”
— protecting lives and New Yorkers’ and the Parks Department.” tection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit “This is what New Yorkers want
wallets as we safeguard property. “With this milestone, achieved T. Aggarwala. “These complex and to see,” said Mayor’s Office of Cli-
Protecting New Yorkers from cli- ahead of time and under budget, massive projects take many years to mate and Environmental Justice Ex-
mate change is a massive undertak- New York City takes a huge step to- design and build, but with more than ecutive Director Elijah Hutchinson.
ing, with millions of lives and billions ward protecting one of its most vul- a dozen similar projects now under- “This is a project delivered ahead
of dollars on the line — and we’re nerable communities from coastal way, from Staten Island to the Rock- of schedule and under budget that
more than up to the task.” storms and future high tides,” said aways to Red Hook, DEP’s Bureau protects the community, brings rec-
“Gone are the days when a park New York City Department of De- of Coastal Resiliency is eager to be reational and green space, and plugs
was just a park; now everything must sign and Construction (DDC) Com- able to operate and maintain these into one of the largest and most com-
do double duty to protect New York missioner Thomas Foley. flood defense systems to protect the plex coastal infrastructure projects in
from the vagaries of climate change. “We are pioneering shoreline city from coastal storms.” the nation.”