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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 22, 2021 | The Indian Eye 40
ray tierney challenges tim sini for
suffolk county district attorney
Our Bureau street gangs, murders, and oth- can release to you) and how Si-
er violent crimes. ni’s failure as District Attorney
New York A graduate of Brown Uni- led to murder; Sini’s failure to
ormer Federal Prosecu- versity and St. John’s Universi- indict over 100 gun crimes (we
tor Ray Tierney is run- ty Law School, Tierney has in- have the legal evidence to back
Fning for the Office of vestigated political corruption, this up); and Sini’s zero gang
Suffolk County District Attor- domestic violence, child abuse, murder convictions of MS-13
ney against District Attorney and child pornography. members.
Tim Sini. Tierney announced In 2008, Tierney joined the The point of these press
his candidacy in March and is United States Attorney’s Of- conferences is to show how Si-
running as an independent on fice for the Eastern District of ni’s incompetence has directly
the Republican and Conserva- New York, where he oversaw led to a devastating increase in
tive lines. complex criminal investiga- violence in Suffolk County.
Tierney brings 14 years of tions and prosecuted violations
experience as an Assistant Dis- of federal criminal law and in- the primary focus of
trict Attorney in Suffolk Coun- ternational white-collar cases.
ty to his candidacy, on top of Tierney also coordinated tierney’s campaign is
experience investigating and with the Department of Jus- the politicization of
prosecuting hundreds of cas- tice on long-term internation-
es involving organized crime, al criminal prosecutions and criminal justice issues,
such as the “defund
the police” movement,
ray tierney
disastrous bail reform
briefed the Attorney General laws, and overly bur-
and President on the nation- densome discovery
wide status of MS-13 prosecu-
tions, which he has years-long rules.
substantive experience dealing
with. Tierney has reaffirmed nu-
In the last couple of months merous times that his main
of the campaign, Tierney’s goal is to take the politics out
team launched a press con- of the job, something that has
ference series focused on ex- not been done for years in the
amples of current District Suffolk County District Attor-
Attorney Tim Sini’s gross in- ney’s office.
competence and failure in his Tierney and his wife, Erica,
role as District Attorney. are raising their four children
Since early September, in Suffolk County. “I want my
Tierney has been revealing children to grow up in a safe
shocking new information re- and crime-free environment,
garding: and I strongly believe that is
The East End drug over- something that everyone in
dose case and how Sini’s inac- Suffolk County deserves.
tion immediately led to these When it comes to enforc-
deaths; gun violence in Suffolk ing the law, there is no room
County and how Sini’s incom- for politics or the influence
petence led to skyrocketing of self-serving special inter-
crime rates; a brutal strangu- ests. The residents of Suffolk
lation case that has never been County demand no less from
covered before by the media this most sacred elected office,”
(we have an exclusive photo we states Tierney.
www.TheIndianEYE .com