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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          42

           aaPi’s Panel Discussion explores Ways To

                                       “stop Domestic Violence”

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    & Obesity Specialist at RNJ

        New York                                                                                                      Barnabas Hospital, New Jersey,
                                                                                                                      pointed out that Domestic Vi-
                n international web-con-                                                                              olence is prevalent in all parts
                ference on Ways to Pre-                                                                               of  the world. Sharing her own
       Avent Domestic Violence,                                                                                       life’s challenges and abuses, Dr.
        with renowned speakers  from                                                                                  Saran said, “Coming from very
        across the United States and In-                                                                              traditional society back in India,
        dia was organized by the Wom-                                                                                 initially I thought it was happen-
        en’s Committee of the American                                                                                ing to me because of my back-
        Association of Physicians of In-                                                                              ground.” Married to a dominant
        dian Origin (AAPI) on Sunday,  domestic partners, according  Chair, introduced the panelists,  person, who was demanding, but
        October 17th, 2021.                  to the U.S. Centers for Disease  and  explained  the  significance  suspicious and with trust issues,
            Describing Domestic Vi- Control and  Prevention. The  of the Color Purple, which is a  she had suffered immensely
        olence  as  “a  serious  public  very important discussion today  symbol of courage. Setting the  with insecurity and complexities
        health concern” Dr. Anupama  with an experts panel is aimed at  stage and the context for this  of married life with intimida-
        Gotimukula, President of AAPI,  helping AAPI members and the  very important area of con- tion and fearful for her own life.
        in her welcome address said,  larger society to learn on ways to  cern,  Dr.  Arora  said,  “October  But she was able to turn her life
        “October  is  Domestic  Aware- help promote healthy, respectful  is ‘Domestic Violence Aware- around and has made a positive
        ness Month. Nearly one in four  and nonviolent relationships.”           ness’  month.    AAPI  women’s  impact  in  the  society.  “Now,  I
        women and one in seven men in            Dr. Seema Arora, past AAPI  physicians committee is trying  am to reach out to other women
        the U.S. have experienced physi- BOT Chair and currently serving  to increase awareness towards  who need support,” she said.
        cal violence at the hands of their  as  AAPI  Women’s  Committee  this very prevalent but subdued                 Dr. Meher Medavaram, a
                                                                                  age-old problem that can affect  member  of  AAPI’s  Women’s
                                                                                  any gender, race, region & so- Committee introduced Deanne
                                                                                  cio-economic strata in a panel  Mazzochi, Illinois State Repre-
                                                                                  discussion with renowned panel- sentative, Attorney Life Science
                                                                                 ists from around the world.”         Law.  Rep. Mazzochi shared with
                                                                                      Lata Rao, a Domestic Vio- the audience about her work as
                                                                                 lence Survivor and Domestic Vi- a state legislator and as an at-
                                                                                  olence Advocate, referring brief- torney who works with women
                                                                                 ly to her life in the past, focused  and families, ensuring the safety
                                                                                  more on her efforts to prevent  of those in DV situations. She
                                                                                  domestic violence.  Describing  described the many laws and
                                                                                 her past and the “most dreadful  legal systems that are available
                                                                                  events” she had experienced in  to victims of DV in the state of
                                                                                 her life, impacting her physical,  Illinois. She advocated that one
                                                                                  emotional and mental wellbeing,  should “ensure that you have a
                                                                                  she said, “I wanted to do some- safe place to live,” if and when
                                                                                 thing for myself” starting her  you want to leave an unhealthy
                                                                                  own business which was resent- relationship.
                                                                                  ed by her ex- spouse.  “I encour-       Dr. Manju Sheth, an In-
                                                                                  age women not to be what I went  ternist, practicing Medicine at
                                                                                 through” but to be more inde- Beth Israel Lahey, MA, Chair
                                                                                  pendent. She told the audience  and Advisory Board Member
                                                                                 how meeting with mentors and  at SAHELI, Member of Asian
                                                                                 having a support system gradual- Task Force Against Domestic
                                                                                 ly changed her life, while forgiv- Violence, President of “Women
                                                                                 ing and staying positive helped  Who Win,” urged fellow physi-
                                                                                  me start a new phase in her life.  cians  “to  stay  vigilant  and  col-
                                                                                 “Today, I use my experiences as a  laborate” and look for signs/red
                                                                                 tool to support and educate oth- flags to identify violence “as the
                                                                                  er women,” Ms. Rao said.            patients can present with a mul-
                                                                                      Dr. Preeti Saran, Domestic  titude of unrelated symptoms
                                                                                 Violence Survivor and current- that only compassionate ques-
                                                                                 ly  practicing  Family  Medicine  tions can reveal clearly.”

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