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Business EYE                                                            OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          44

                      ray of hope for indian economy

           as iMF and niti aayog give thumbs up

           “I expect Indian economy to grow 10.5 per cent or higher in FY22,” says official

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    consumer and capital goods
                                                                                                                      output, cement production,
        Washington, DC/New Delhi                                                                                      steel consumption, and freight

                 recent report of the                                                                                 traffic have seen strong sequen-
                 International     Mone-                                                                              tial recoveries though they con-
        A tary Fund (IMF) has                                                                                         tinue to remain below their
        brought a new ray of hope to                                                                                  pre-COVID-19 levels.”
        India’s economy. It has project-                                                                                  Experts agree that exports
        ed real gross domestic product                                                                                appear to be a bright spot,
        (GDP) growth rate for India at                                                                                having grown by 56.9 percent
        9.5% and 8.5% in 2021-22 and                                                                                  YoY during H1 FY22 and 23.8
        2022-23 respectively. If it turns                                                                             percent over H1 FY20  lev-
        out to be true, we will regis-                                                                                els. However, this impressive
        ter the highest rate of growth                                                                                nominal export growth must
        among the world’s major econ-                                                                                 be interpreted with caution
        omies. Our economy is expect-                                                                                 as it has a very strong under-
        ed to stay the fastest-growing                                                                                lying price element to it. As
        till 2026.                                                                                                    per the World Bank, global
            The IMF noted that the  as the pandemic eases, people are returning to markets amid the festive           energy and non-energy prices
        strength of the recovery pro-                      seasons, giving a boost to the economy (aNi)               have averaged 104.4 percent
        jected varies significantly across                                                                            and 38.8 percent higher during
        countries, depending on access  he said.                                     Replying to a question, Ku-      April-September as compared
        to  medical  interventions,  ef-        “I  expect  Indian  economy      mar said reasons for the slump       to year ago levels (this is why
        fectiveness of policy support,  to grow 10.5 per cent or higher          in two-wheeler sales might be        India’s imports have also grown
        exposure to cross-country spill- in FY22,” he noted.                     due to the transition from inter-    quite rapidly, rising 82.3 per-
        overs and structural character-                                          nal combustion engine scooters       cent YoY during H1 FY22).
        istics entering the covid crisis.    the country’s economy               and bikes to electric bikes and          Besides, strong export de-
        This means that India needs to                                           scooters.                            mand has also been supported
        keep up its vaccination drive  grew by a record 20.1                         Noting that exports create       by the materialization of pent-
        and  ensure  that  it  reaches  a    per cent in the april-june          jobs, he said, “we need to dou-      up demand across major econ-
        critical mass sooner than later.                                         ble our share of global trade...     omies aided by supportive fis-
        Economic recovery is directly  quarter, helped by a very                 and for that we might need bet-      cal policies — these effects are

        related to a country’s response      weak base of last year              ter market access”.                  likely to fade going forward.
        to the pandemic.                                                             According to experts, the        We will still need a lot more ev-
            The sign has been con- and a sharp rebound in                        affirmations  on  growth  are        idence to believe that the pan-
        firmed  by  top  government  of-     the manufacturing and               discernible from some high           demic has led to a rise in glob-
        ficials.  Indian  economy  is  ex-                                       frequency indicators as well:        al import elasticity of demand
        pected to grow 10.5 per cent or  services sectors in spite               Mobility around retail and rec-      (for  India’s  exports),  and  that
        more in the current fiscal, Niti     of the devastating second           reation,  and  workplaces  has       exports could support domestic
        Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Ku-                                            recovered quickly after the          growth in a meaningful manner
        mar said on Thursday. Speak- covid wave.                                 COVID-19 second wave sub-            in the medium term.
        ing  at  a  virtual  conference  of                                      sided, and is only a tad lower           According to observers, an
        PAFI India, he also said that           The Reserve Bank of India        than pre-COVID-19 levels.            interesting point that the IMF
        modernization of the retail sec- (RBI) has lowered the growth            “GST  collections  have  also        has raised is the need to focus
        tor is very much on the cards.       projection  for  the  current  fi-  rebounded  strongly,  reflect-       on  scientific  research  for  pro-
            “India  Purchasing  Manag- nancial year to 9.5 per cent              ing the uptick in consumption        ductivity growth. Many coun-
        ers’ Index (PMI) for both man- from 10.5 per cent estimated              demand, and are 12.5 percent         tries  ignore  scientific  research
        ufacturing and services have  earlier while the IMF has pro-             higher during H1 FY22 vis-à-         on specific ways to achieve this.
        shown a very smart uptick last  jected a growth of 9.5 per cent          vis pre-COVID-19 (H1 FY20)           This is especially so in develop-
        month. This (Indian economy)  in 2021 and 8.5 per cent in the            levels,” said an official. “Other    ing countries that need such in-
        will strengthen even further,”  next year.                               indicators such as auto sales,       puts all the more.

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