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Business EYE                                                            OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          45

                                                                    Tech T@lk

                  instagram now allows users                                        Google pixel 6, pixel 6 pro unveiled

               to co-author posts, share likes                                        with tensor chip & 50Mp camera

               hoto    and    video-shar- screen, after which the second                  oogle’s  new  smart-
               ing social networking  account will have to accept the                     phones,  Pixel  6 and
        Pplatform Instagram has  invite.                                         GPixel 6 Pro, recently
        kicked off a week of product            The service will also roll       launched after multiple leaks
        reveals with the announcement  out the ability for users to post         and teasers. As per 91 Mobiles,
        of Collabs, a new feature that  photos and videos from desk-             the American tech giant un-
        lets two users jointly share own- top browsers on Thursday, fol-         veiled the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro
        ership of a single feed post or  lowing a limited test earlier this      at its Fall launch event on Tues- rear camera bar and an edge-to-
        Reel. According to The Verge,  year.                                     day. The Pixel 6 series is the first  edge display with a punch-hole
        tomorrow, it will follow this up        This might sound like a very     from the tech giant to feature  cutout for the front-facing cam-
        by testing a new way to add a  basic feature to only now be              an in-house chipset -- Google  era. It also comes with Gorilla
        non-profit fundraiser to a post,  coming to desktop, but Insta-          Tensor, instead of Qualcomm’s  Glass Victus with an in-display
        and finally, on Thursday it will  gram’s desktop functionality has       Snapdragon chips. With Tensor  fingerprint sensor. The Pixel 6 is
        roll out the ability to create pho- historically lagged well behind      chip,  flagship  camera  sensors,  powered by the Tensor chipset
        to and video posts on desktop, as  what’s  possible  on  its  apps.  It   and Android 12, the Pixel 6 and  and will be available with 8GB
        well as launching new music-fo- only added DMs to the browser            6  Pro  are  the  most  significant  RAM 128GB/ 256GB UFS
        cused effects for Reels. The new  last year, for example.                Pixel phones in years.               3.1 storage. The device is also
        Collabs  feature effectively al-        Finally, there are a couple of       Here’s everything you need to  packed with a 4,614mAh bat-
        lows two accounts to co-author  minor features also coming this          know about the new Pixel 6 and  tery that supports wireless and
        a post or Reel. The post or Reel  week. Tomorrow, Instagram will         Pixel 6 Pro:  Pixel 6: Priced at  30W fast charging. The Pixel 6
        will appear jointly to each us- start testing a new way to create        USD 599 (or about Rs 44,971),  devices are available in several
        er’s followers and will share the  fundraisers in posts, which will      the Pixel 6 features a 6.4-inch  colours, each with a two-tone
        same comment thread, as well  be accessible after tapping the            FHD+ AMOLED screen with  design. The Pixel 6 will run on
        as view and like counts. Collabs  ‘+’ button on the top right of its     a 90Hz refresh rate. The handset  Android 12, the latest version of
        are enabled from the tagging  interface.                                 has a unique unibody look with a  the Android operating system.

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