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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 27

           Gujaratis lead the South Asian Literature

                   and Art (SALA) Festival in California

        OUR BUREAU                        presenting the festival in partnership
                                          with Stanford Center for South Asia &
        San Francisco, CA
                                          UC Berkeley Institute for South Asian
             ix American Indians of Gujarati  Studies.
             origin,  all  eminent authors  and   SALA Festival is planned on Oc-
        Spoets with award-winning books  tober 29-30th, 2022, (Saturday-Sun-
        to their credit, are the participants of  day) from Noon – 6:30 pm at the very
        the  4th  South  Asian  Literature  and  picturesque Montalvo Arts Center in
        Art (SALA) Festival, held annually in  Saratoga.  Audiences  can  participate
        the Bay Area, California, USA, and or-  in discussions with authors and at-
        ganized by Art Forum SF, a non-profit  tend the book signing. There will be
        devoted to South Asian culture, based  intense as well as light-hearted panel
        in San Francisco.                 discussions, readings from books and
            These six include poet and novel-  of poems by authors, an art exhibition
        ist Amit Majmudar, the first Poet Lau-  and art walks, and a special cookery
        reate of Ohio (2015), short story writer  book panel discussion, given the grow-
        and translator Jenny Bhatt known for  ing  popularity  of  Indian  meals  and
        her translation of popular Gujarati  snacks across the USA. Spread across
        writer Dhumketu’s works, Salil Tripa-  the Montalvo grounds will be popular
        thi, current Chair of PEN Internation-  ‘corners’ such as the Marketplace and
        al’s Writers in Prison Committee and  Food & Drink Junction, Crafts & Arts
        contributing editor to Mint and Car-  activities for kids, Henna application,
        avan, hot shot chef Preeti Mistry who  Rangoli demonstrations, and so on.
        was a contestant on Top Chef Season   The featured artists and writers in the
        6 and author of The Juhu Beach Club       panels are as follows:
        Cookbook, Hetal Vasavada, the only    The Contemporary Art Walk will
        vegetarian contestant on MasterChef  be  organized with  well-known artist
        Season 6 and author of a popular blog,  and director of the prestigious South
        Milk and Cardamom which is also  Asian Creative Collective in New
        now a book, and Vina Patel, whose  York,  Jaishri Abichandani, and will
        book  From  Gujarat  with  Love:  100  highlight artists Annu Matthew, Ranu
        Authentic Indian Vegetarian Recipes,  Mukherjee,  and  Sara  Ahmad.  Well-
        published last year is already mak-  known art collectors and art institute
        ing waves. In addition to these six, is  founders, Drs. Shireen and Afzal Ah-
        Vadodara-based arts writer Sandhya  mad, both pioneers who have com-
        (Bordewekar) Gajjar who will be in  mitted their art collections toward a
        a panel discussion with authors Devi  significant cause, will be present and
        Laskar and Sorayya Khan and Rahul  interact with visitors and young art col-
        & Siddharth Mehrotra, the father-son  lectors.
        duo, originally from Vadodara, who    Contemporary Writers Row  in-
        are going to read their short, short  cludes eminent authors like Pulitzer  Soundararajan, Suraj Yengde,  and  Dey, Neeta Mittal, and Ettan Restau-
        stories and poems about Champan-  Prize-winning  Ayad Akhtar, Booker  journalist Salil Tripathi. And musician  rant owner Ayesha Thapar.
        er-Pavagadh, Gujarat’s first UNESCO  prize-winning translator  Daisy Rock-  T M Krishna questioning the inclusivi-  There will be a special event fea-
        World Heritage Site, based on photo-  well (she translated Tomb of Sand  ty of performance space.     turing eminent actresses Swara Bhask-
        graphs of the site by Rahul Gajjar, a  by Indian author Geetanjali Shree   The Epicurean Highlights section  er and Poorna Jagannathan.
        Vadodara-based  photographer.  Cop-  from the original Hindi, winner of  features Sonia Chopra, editor of Bon   Other Highlights of the Festival in-
        ies of books by all the authors and po-  the Booker 2022), and Emmy-nomi-  Appetit, and a food scientist’s take on  clude poetry reading curated by Shikha
        ets will be available for a book signing.  nated Vikram Chandra of the Sacred  South Asian cuisine by prominent au-  Malaviya  featuring  Amit Majmudar,
            Founded in 2019, the 4th  SALA  Games fame. In addition, there will be  thor Nik Sharma, a talk with Chef Kau-  Monica Korde, Monica Mody, Preeti
        Festival is back with a bang, presenting  known authors like Alka Joshi, Chaitali  sar Ahmed from Karachi Kitchens and  Vangani, Sarah Mohammad, and Ur-
        the in-person version after a gap of two  Sen, Devi Laskar, Sorayya Khan, Amit  Chef Preeti Mistry. Fiery Tales of the  vashi  Bahuguna.  The  Art  Exhibition
        years.  The  vision  is  bold;  the  theme  Majmudar, Jenny Bhatt, and  Zuni  Great Indian Kitchen: Tales of Region-  showcases local artists Chandrika Mar-
        is  “Humanity,”  to  examine  how  the  Chopra  – South Asian authors who  al Cuisine will be presented by Chitri-  la, Tanya Momi, and sculptor Priyanka
        world has categorized each other into  have  made  a  mark  on  the  contem-  ta Banerjee, Vina Patel,  and  Hetal  Rana.  The  Marketplace  has  Garima
        boxes, a community of different colors,  porary literature arena in the US. In  Vasavada,  alongside cookbook au-  Shoes, The Peacock Avenue, Mari-
        classes, and castes. SALA 2022 aims to  addition,  newbie  fiction  writers  such  thor  Madhushree  Ghosh.  Audienc-  gold and Saeyri, Pragati Sharma Mo-
        examine and celebrate different points  as Rahul Mehrotra and his poet-son  es  will  engage  in  a  panel  discussion  hanty, hands-on activities like Henna
        of view but also recognize that, ulti-  Siddharth will read their short stories  of  Wine Shine and Chicken Khura-  and Rangoli, children’s crafts, dance,
        mately,  humanity  triumphs.  Art  Fo-  and poems. There will be discussions  na  with  executive  Chef  Ajay  Walia,  music, painting, food, and a bar will
        rum SF and Montalvo Arts Center are  on hard-hitting topics with Thenmozhi  Michelin Star restaurant, Chef Ranjan  offer beer, wine, and soda.

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