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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

                                                 CONSUL GENERAL IN NEW YORK.

         Kerala Center Announces 2022 Honorees

                               For Annual Awards Banquet

        OUR BUREAU                            This year’s honorees include:   ter to reserve your seats at: 516-  tions in many Malayalee social, cul-
                                          Dr. Javad Hassan, Chairman        358-2000 or at email: kc@keral-   tural and community organizations
        New York, NY
                                          of NeST Group, for Corporate                    in America.
              he Indian American Kerala   Leadership, Thomas Joy, Suffolk
              Cultural and Civic Center, Inc.   County police officer and presi-  PROFILES OF KERALA CENTER      Thomas Joy – for Community Service
        Twill  honor  six  Indian  Ameri-  dent of AMLEU, for Public Ser-        AWARDEES FOR 2022                Thomas Joy has completed
        can Malayalees for their outstanding   vice; Bindiya Sabarinath, founder                              25 years of service in the US Army
        achievements in their field of special-  of Mayura School of Arts, in the   Javad K. Hassan – for Corporate Leadership  which included combat duty in Iraq.
        ization and for their service to the so-  category of Performing Arts; Dr.   Javad K. Hassan is the found-  Since 2007 Thomas has served as a
        ciety at its 30th Annual Awards Ban-  Silvester Noronha of MIT, in the   er and chairman of NeST Group, a   police officer and now serves in the
        quet to be held on October 22, 2022.     category of  Applied Science, P.   global conglomerate of more than   Suffolk County Police Department,
        Randhir Jaiswal, Consul General of   T. Paulose, for contributions to   25 companies spread across several   Long Island, NY. Thomas was the
        India, New York, NY senators Kevin   Pravasi Malayalam Literature   continents.                       founding  member  of  the  Suffolk
        Thomas and Anna Kaplan, and oth-  and Jose Kaniyaly, Executive Edi-     Under the leadership of Dr.   County Police Asian Jade Society.
        er dignitaries will be attending the   tor and Partner of Kerala Express   Hassan, NeST Group has become   He is a board member of the Suffolk
        event.                            weekly newspaper, for his contri-  a worldwide leader in technology,   County Asian American Advisory
            “Kerala Center has been hon-  butions  to  Malayalam Media and
        oring outstanding achievers since   Journalism.                     with operations in India, the Mid-  Board.
                                                                            dle East, Japan, Europe and the
        1991. Every year we invite nom-       The awardees will be honored   Americas.                         P. T. Paulose – for Contributions to Pravasi
        inations  and  the  committee  has   at the Kerala Center’s 30th Annual                                       Malayalam Literature
        to make a unanimous choice for    Awards Banquet on Saturday, De-     Bindiya Sabarinath – for Performing Arts
        a candidate in a category to re-  cember 22, 2022, starting at 5:30                                       P. T. Paulose is a journalist,
        ceive the award and this year is no   p.m. at the Kerala Center, 1824   Bindiya Sabarinath is the Artis-  freelance writer, a  theatrical  per-
        different  from  previous  years  in   Fairfax St., Elmont, New York.   tic Director of the Mayura School of   former, director and an immense
        terms of their achievements,” said   There will be variety entertain-  Arts established in 2001. Bindiya is   lover of Malayalam literature. He
        Dr. Thomas Abraham, Kerala Cen-   ment programs and a fabulous din-  an acclaimed Bharatanatyam and   was the founder president of Cal-
        ter’s Trustee Board Chairman and   ner for the evening.             Mohiniyattam dancer.              cutta Malayalee Association and
        Award Committee Member.               Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran was the       She has performed extensively   founder Secretary of Bengal Ratio-
                                          Award Committee Chairman and      in India, UK and the US with solo
        “Kerala Center is very happy  other  members  were  Dr.  Thomas     programs  and  dance  productions   nalist Association. He wrote seven
                                                                                                              books in Malayalam including short
        to honor American Malayalees      Abraham,  Daisy  P.  Stephen  and   with her senior students.       stories, essays and dramas.
                                          Dr. Marilyn George.
        who excel in their professions        Kerala Center President Alex   Jose Kaniyaly – for Contributions to Malay-  Dr. Sylvester Noronha – for Applied Science
        and who work for social prog-     K. Esthappan said that the Center       alam Media and Journalism
                                          has recognized over 165 American                                        Dr. Silvester Noronha – is one
        ress -- their examples should  Malayalees in the last 30 years and      Jose Kaniyaly is the Executive   of the team of scientists from MIT
        be an inspiration for others,”    it is great to see that they have con-  Editor and Partner of Kerala Ex-  and startup company, Common-
                                          tinued to rise further in their ca-  press, a weekly Malayalam newspa-  wealth Fusion Systems (CFS), who
        said Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran,  reers and serve the society.             per published from Chicago, which   invented a large high-temperature
                                              All are invited to join this An-
        Board and Award Committee         nual Award Banquet honoring the   was founded in 1992.  He oversees   superconducting  electromagnet
                                                                            both the print and online editions of
                                                                                                              which would realize power genera-
        Chairman.                         awardees.                         Kerala Express.                   tion by using heat from nuclear fu-
                                              Please contact the Kerala Cen-    He has held leadership posi-  sion reactions.

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