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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 25

        GSA India Expo @75 Curtain Raiser recognize Indian-American youth

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            motivational and powerful speeches
                                                                                                              on  the  stage.  Arushi  Jain,  a  senior
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                              consultant at Thoughtium gave her
             rom September 23-24th, Chi-                                                                      advice to the youth on what it means
             cago hosted an event of utmost                                                                   to be successful and what it means to
        Fgrandeur and elegance. It was                                                                        adapt to life’s changes. Following her,
        called the GSA (Global Strategic Al-                                                                  Mohansrinivas Chennakesavalu gave
        liance) India Expo @75 Curtain Rais-                                                                  his thoughts on life and encouraged
        er, which was meant to set the scene                                                                  the youth to enjoy the world for what
        for the GSA India Expo that is going                                                                  it is while pushing hard to make an
        to occur in December. This Curtain                                                                    impact. As a medical student at the
        Raiser truly set the bar, and it set the                                                              Unviersity of Chicago, Mohansrini-
        bar high. This event has made it clear                                                                vas shared some of his experiences as
        the GSA India Expo will one hundred                                                                   a student and drove the youth to al-
        percent be one of the most impactful                                                                  ways look to the future when making
        events of our time for India’s recogni-                                                               decisions. Swetha Loka, who is cur-
        tion and cultural diversity.      tion,  meaning  that  18  more  people  ference room that resembled a Unit-  rently pursuing her masters at Stony
            In an event of such spell-binding  will be recognized next year, and the  ed Nations conference room or an   Brook, shed some light when talking
        presence, the Curtain Raiser made it  following year, and so on. To make  international diplomacy room. With   about adversity and what it means
        one of its missions to recognize the  this event as spectacular as possible,  this, came tons of speeches about   to overcome it. Finally, Zak Khan, a
        Indian American youth of the nation  the  GSA  Expo  organized  a  Youth  life experiences and what it means to   debonair gentleman who is currently
        for the service they have contributed  Empowerment  Conclave  under  Dr.  look to the future of society. Sathya   the director at Lumen Technologies
        to both the United States and In-  Vijay Prabahakar, a guiding light for  Padmanabhan, a student leader from   - a fortune 500 company. He shared
        dia. From Arizona to Maryland, 18  all Indian Americans looking for cul-  Phoenix, AZ moderated the conclave   his style through his speech as he ex-
        Indian American youth under the  tural exposure and recognition. This  with dazzling influence. He drove the   plained how one must always perse-
        age  of  18  were  chosen  to  receive  a  conclave featured college students,  event with determination and confi-  vere and look for new perspectives
        timeless and tremendously impact-  graduates, adults, senior citizens,  dence and was also honored as one   as they traverse through the ups and
        ful award on September 24th, 2022.  doctors, gemologists, and, of course,  of the 18under18 during the event.   downs, twists and turns, and bends
        This was the first annual 18under18  the 18under18 youth.               Four honored panelists were fea-  and bumps of life.
        Indian American Achievers celebra-    The Conclave was held in a con-  tured at the event as they gave their   -Asian Media USA

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