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North The Indian Eye
18 OCTOBER 14, 2022
Global Indian Council New York Chapter
Opened At 75 Wall Street, Manhattan
New York, NY
n October 10, 2022, an event
was held at an Indian-owned
OManhattan luxury Hotel Hy-
att, with a sitting Judge swearing in
the oath of an organization at a splen-
did evening. The ceremony started
with the US national anthem sung
by Krystal Shajan, followed by the
Indian national anthem sung by all
the members as they proclaimed the
tagline of India: our strength is our
“unity and diversity.”
Global General Secretary Sud-
hir Nambiar welcomed every-
one to the installation ceremo-
ny, and the Global Associate
treasure Tom George Kolath
announced the list of office
bearers. Global President P.C.
Mathew addressed the gather-
ing who attended there and all Treasure Peter Thomas, State Coor-
the members from all four con- dinator Andrews Kunnuparampil,
tinents on a zoom platform. Saji Thomas Media & Business pro-
motion, Brand ambassador Trilok
Malik and Elizabeth Paulose Global
President PC Mathew ad-
dressed the gathering via zoom Business forum Co-chair.
Dr. Tara Shajan, was the Em-
platform, explaining why GIC dif- cee and shared why GIC is different
fers from any other organization from other organizations. She also
by sharing the vision and mission. mentioned that the importance of
Nobody is away from doing great utilizing all the expertise from dif-
things for others. “I am totally ferent walk of life for the benefit of
amazed to see a grand opening of the community. Global Ambassa-
GIC at 75 Wall Street, Downtown dor Sosamma Andrews and Usha
New York City. Our organization George from Global to represented
will have a segment for trading the New York Chapter. Everyone
stocks, crypto currencies and edu- appreciated Dr. Anil Paulose for the
cational events. He also stated that hospitality and for bringing up an
since movies are the most influen- in his formal judge’s rob, made it mindset. excellent team in New York, includ-
tial media of the century, GIC just first of its kind oath ceremony of NY Chapter Global Indian ing the NY chapter goodwill ambas-
completed a short feature film en- an association and marked a mile- Council members sworn in were Dr. sador Andrews Kunnumparambil.
titled “The Footprints,” which por- stone for Global Indian Council Anil Paulose President, Secretary In his felicitation speech, Tom
trays the life of Gandhi. (GIC). Judge Koshy appreciated Prakash Pasipati, Associate secre- George welcomed the new Pres-
Fortunate to have an oath de-
livered by Hon Judge Biju Koshy all the team members; it is inevita- tary Dr. Sheetal Desai, Treasure ident, Dr. Anil Paulose and his vi-
ble to raise our youth with a caring Rajinder Kaur Singh, and Associate Continued at next page... >>