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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline - Opinion                                    OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 32

        The Republican Plan for Your Children Should Worry You

        VIDYA PRADHAN                                                                                         have fewer opportunities and pros-
                                                                                                              pects because of inferior education?
              t a recent event called the                                                                         If we don’t want this future to
              National Conservative Con-                                                                      come to pass, let’s pledge to vote
        Aference, an annual meeting                                                                           Democrat in the upcoming midterms
        of conservative thinkers, attendees                                                                   and all future elections so our kids
        pushed for the introduction of reli-                                                                  can have the same American dream
        gion in public education.                                                                             that we came here for.
            A statement of principles signed                                                                  • Talk to your friends and family
        by the conference members said,                                                                         members who voted in 2020 and
        “Where  a  Christian  majority  exists,                                                                 who may be sitting out the mid-
        public life should be rooted in Chris-                                                                  terms because of lack of knowl-
        tianity and its moral vision, which                                                                     edge or apathy.
        should be honored by the state and                                                                    • Reach out to other Democratic
        other institutions both public and                                                                      voters through text banking, phone
        private...”                                                                                             banking, postcard writing, and
            The Republicans have refused                                                                        flyer  mailing.  Organizations  like
        to consider any measures to keep                                                                        TheySeeBlue    (
        children safe in school other than                                                                      have events that reach out specif-
        having more armed guards and arm-                                                                       ically to South Asian voters.
        ing  teachers(!).  Even  in  the  wake                                                                • Donate to key races that are winnable.
        of a  complete breakdown  in  law                                                                         And if you don’t have the band-
        enforcement  at Uvalde, there are                                                                     width for any of the above, remem-
        no new ideas from the GOP except                                                                      ber, you are going to be a hero by
        guns, guns, and more guns.        The Florida Education Department   small step.                      just casting your VOTE for a more
            In many states, Republicans   took exception to a set of mathemat-  All this paints a really worrying   progressive, hopeful, and inclusive
        are thinking of backing out of the   ics  textbooks,  saying  that  they  had   picture for the future of public edu-  America.
        National  School  Lunch  program   elements of social studies that were   cation in this country should Repub-
        because it does not allow discrimi-  not appropriate for the curriculum.   licans come to power, both at the   Vidya Pradhan is a freelance writ-
        nation against any child due to race,   From banning books that don’t tell   state  and  federal  level.    Is  this  the   er and political activist who believes
        gender, or sexual identity.       the factual history of the United   America we want for our children?   humans can be trained to see cooper-
            Then there are the concerted   States to banning books that talk   An America where they will have   ation, community, and compassion as
        attacks across the country on books.   about Holi and Diwali is a very, very   fewer rights, be more unsafe, and   values to appreciate and emulate

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