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LIFE & LETTERS OCTOBER 14, 2022 | The Indian Eye 36
Jammu & Kashmir LG Manoj Sinha to inaugurate
Kumaon Literary Festival in Srinagar on Oct 19
Rahul Mittra, Divya Dutta, Rahul Rawail, Ashwin Sanghi and others to attend the travelling literary
festival which will feature sessions on literature, cinema, art & culture
Ashwin Sanghi Divya Dutta
J&K lieutenant governor Manoj Sinha
OUR BUREAU Rahul Mittra, actor Divya Dutta, Ja-
meel Gulrays Katha Kathan found-
Srinagar (J&K)
er, Bhawana Somaaya veteran jour-
ieutenant Governor of Jammu nalist, Anant Vijay senior journalist
and Kashmir Manoj Sinha will and author, Pavan Jha film historian, Rahul Mittra Rahul Rawail
Linaugurate the Kashmir Edi- Shantanu Ray Chaudhari publisher,
tion of the Fourth Kumaon Literary renowned authors like Kiran Man-
Festival in Srinagar from 19-20 Oc- ral, Yatindra Mishra, Jai Arjun, Anu
tober 2022. Kumaon Literary Festi- Singh & Mona Verma.
val, one of India’s most coveted and The highlight of the literary fes-
travelling literary festival will feature tival will be a special session on ‘Raj
various sessions on literature, cine- Kapoor – The Master at Work’ by Ra-
ma, art and culture. hul Rawail in conversation with film-
Announcing the festival, Asha maker-actor Rahul Mittra, apart from
Batra co-founder of the festival, said, book discussions including ‘Kishore
“India has been a global hub for arts Kumar: The Ultimate Biography’ by
and culture for centuries; the setting Parthiv Dhar and Anirudha Bhat-
and inspiration for celebrated works tacharjee, ‘The Magicians of Mazda’
of literature, drama and art, and home by Ashwin Sanghi, ‘The Mystic and
to artists and writers from around the the Lyric: Four Women Poets from
world. The festival brings together bril- Kashmir’ by Neerja Mattoo, ‘Inked
liant and unique minds from various in India-Fountain Pens and A story of
genres of the creative world. We have Make and Unmake’ by Bibek Debroy
a very impressive line-up of speakers and Sovan Roy, ‘Letters to Self by Na-
this year along with some interest- rendra Modi’, Translation by Bhawa-
ing book launches and discussions.” na Somaaya, ‘The Stars in My Sky’ by
This year, the festival will have Divya Dutta, and many more. writers and literary persons from The festival was founded in the
eminent speakers like Dr Bibek De- The Kashmir Edition is being the region such as, Neerja Mattoo, year 2014 by Sumant Batra a lawyer
broy, Chairman, Economic Advisory held in association with KYARI, Nirupma Kotru, Saleem Beg, Sanjay of global repute, author and cul-
Council to the Prime Minister of India, Kashmir’s Yumberzal Applied Raina, Siddhartha Gigoo, Aditya Raj tural champion. The not-for-profit
Ashwin Sanghi, India’s highest selling Research Institute. Arhan Baga- Kaul, Ajay Raina, Dinesh Manzo- festival has held many successful
fiction author, veteran filmmaker-au- ti, KYARI Founder and the host of or Bhat, Khushboo Mattoo, Nusrat editions attended by hundreds of lit-
thor Rahul Rawail, award-winning Kashmir Edition said, “The Fest will Durrani, Tamanna Slathia and Tser- erary luminaries and thinkers from
filmmaker & branding specialist see participation of many eminent ing Gurmat.” around the world.