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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 40

                        Another hike on repo rate on

          the cards as retail inflation jumps to

                                               five-month high

          The burden of inflation is more on the poor as the price of essential items, such as food

             and fuel, occupy a greater share in the consumption basket of lower income classes

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Mumbai

              he Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may be
              forced to raise repo rate yet again in Decem-
        Tber  with  retail  inflation  rising  to  5-month
        high  of  7.41%  in  September,  mainly  on  account
        of rising food prices. India’s retail inflation stood
        at 7% in August.  Food inflation, which comprises
        almost 40% of inflation basket, accelerated sharply
        to 22-month high of 8.4% in September from 7.6%
        a month ago. This was mainly due to rise in price of
        cereals, vegetables, pulses and milk.
            Sequentially, headline inflation rose by 0.6%
        (August: 0.5% mom) led by food and beverages
        inflation (0.9% mom). “The sequential pickup was
        largely due to vegetables, cereals, spices, meat and
        fish, and pulses. High frequency data continues to
        show upside to prices of cereals, pulses, and veg-
            Meanwhile, fuel and light inflation moderated
        to 10.4% (August: 10.8%) but increased sharply
        by  0.4%  month-on  month.  Rural  and  urban  in-
        flation also increased by 41 and 55 bps to 7.56%
        and 7.27%, respectively. September core inflation
        (CPI  excluding  food,  fuel,  pan,  and  tobacco)  in-
        creased by 9 bps to 6.26%. Sequentially, core infla-            A vendor sells tomatoes at a wholesale vegetable market in Amritsar.
        tion moderated to 0.32%. Clothing and footwear                    Retail inflation has risen due to a sharp rise in food prices (ANI)
        increased to 10.2%, followed by household goods
        and services at 7.68% (7.53%), while moderation
        was visible in recreation, and personal care and   5.5% previous year,” it added.          upside relative to our estimate of 7.2 per cent be-
        effects                                          Moreover, amid this rising inflation pressure,   ing primarily driven by food inflation,” said Aditi
            This is the eighth straight month when infla-  the  RBI  is  expected  to  hike  benchmark  lending   Nayar, Chief Economist, ICRA.
        tion  figures  have  remained  above  the  RBI’s  tol-  rates further, thereby adding to the financial bur-  Food inflation spiked to a 22-month high of
        erance band of 2-6%. The RBI has been tasked   den of the common people.                   8.4 per cent in September 2022, with a sharp se-
        by the government to keep inflation in the 2-4%   The price rise has been sharper in rural India.   quential up move in vegetables, cereals and spices.
        range, with a margin of 2% on each side. Since the   CPI-based inflation in rural India surged to 7.56   The  excessive  rainfall  in  early  October  2022
        RBI has officially missed its inflation target for the   per cent in September while for the urban India it   may adversely impact the kharif harvest and delay
        third successive quarter, it will have to write a let-  stood at 7.27 per cent. The headline inflation has   rabi sowing, thereby posing a material upside risk
        ter to the government explaining the reasons for   been above the RBI’s mandated tolerance range   to the food inflation outlook. However, the impact
        its failure and the steps it will take to correct this.  of 2-6 per cent for three consecutive quarters. Un-  of  the  same  on  the  YoY  food  inflation  prints  is
            According to Crisil, the burden of inflation is   der the flexible inflation targeting framework, the   likely to be partly mollified by the high base that
        more on the poor as the price of essential items,  RBI is deemed to have failed in managing price   lies ahead for H2 FY2023, Nayar said.
        such as food and fuel, occupy a greater share in the   rise if the CPI-based inflation is outside the 2-6 per   The National Statistical Office (NSO) releases
        consumption basket of lower income classes. “Im-  cent range for three quarters in a row. Now the   inflation data every month. The Price data are col-
        ported inflation continues to be a concern given   RBI will have to explain to the government why   lected from selected 1114 urban Markets and 1181
        the depreciation in the rupee and elevated inter-  inflation  remained  above  the  mandated  2-6  per   villages covering all States/UTs through personal
        national energy prices amid persisting geopolitical   cent range.                          visits by field staff of Field Operations Division of
        tensions. This was reflected in a sequential pick-  “The CPI inflation jumped to a sharper than   NSO, MoSPI on a weekly roster, according to an
        up in fuel inflation. We thus maintain our CPI in-  expected, five-month high of 7.4 per cent in Sep-  official statement released by the Ministry of Sta-
        flation forecast of 6.8% for this fiscal, higher than   tember 2022, with the sequential increase and the   tistics & Programme Implementation.

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