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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 31

                   Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centennial

                              Celebration Women’s program

        OUR BUREAU                        grow from each other’s experiences.”
                                              Rinku Patel, a BAPS volun-
        Chicago, IL
                                          teer,  commented  “One  quality  of
               n Saturday, September 24,   Pramukh Swami Maharaj that I ad-
               2022, thousands of female   mire  is  his  ability  to  lead.  He  does
        Odevotees        and   well-wish-  so through humility which is a very
        ers of all ages and backgrounds   unique quality to have in a leader.”
        gathered  at  the  B.A.P.S  Swamina-  HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s
        rayan Mandir in Bartlett, IL, to   life  motto  was:  “In  the  joy  of  oth-
        joyfully celebrate the 100th birth   ers, lies our own. In the progress of
        anniversary of their guru, His Ho-  others, rests our own. In the good of
        liness  Pramukh  Swami  Maharaj.   others, abides our own. Know this to
            The  event  titled  “A  Beacon  of   be the key to peace and happiness.”
        Values, Hope and Faith,” a cultural   Grounded in this very motto, the
        program organized by women, and for   program highlighted how Pramukh
        women, took place at over 100 BAPS   Swami instilled timeless values in
        mandirs across North America. The   leaders, was a source of hope for dev-
        program centered on an immersive   otees, and guided individuals to be-
        experience  where  guests  could  un-  come the best versions of themselves
        derstand and experience the lasting   through expressions of faith.
        impact that their guru had on indi-   The program included live, col-
        viduals,  families,  and  communities.   orful performances by women por-
            When asked about her thoughts   traying timeless values, experiences,
        on the program, Yogini Patel, a dis-  stories from the past and present day,
        ciple of Pramukh Swami Maharaj,   insightful multimedia presentations
        remarked,  “What  inspired  me  the   and energizing dances.
        most about today’s program was to     As the emotional program end-
        hear real women come together and   ed, thousands paid their respects
        share stories of the vulnerabilities in   and gratitude to Pramukh Swami
        their  lives.  It  is  crucial  that  women   Maharaj for their spiritual guidance,
        can come together in that way and   upliftment, and for deeply touching
        support each other. It is truly a tes-  their hearts. Attendees left with a re-
        tament to Pramukh Swami Maharaj   newed commitment to continue HH
        that he has created this beautiful   Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s legacy by
        space for everyone to come and be   imbibing his life’s motto as their own.
        vulnerable and be able to share and   --Asian Media USA

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