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BIG STORY                                                               OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          8

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                                                                  Vinod Khosla

                                                         businessman & venture capitalist

        utility  or  relevance.  We  have  for 403-member Assembly. Sa- the bigger corporations with- bill, the government could
        seen the statements of the son  majwadi Party (SP) bagged 47  out the government’s involve- modernize agriculture, and ex-
        on various occasions. It is after  seats, BSP won 19 while Con- ment in price and demand. The  ports will increase through the
        all the party’s decision,” added  gress could manage to win only  bill will encourage the farmers  private sectors, encouraging
        the leader.                          seven seats.                        to produce more crops and get  the farmers to produce more
            Uttar Pradesh Assembly              The farmers have been pro- higher prices for their crops,  crops rather than selling their
        elections are scheduled to take  testing after three controversial  says the government.                      wheat at a cheaper price.
        place early next year. In the  bills were passed in Lok Sabha                But the farmers groups say           Ultimately, the collision of
        2017 Assembly elections, the  last year. In September 2020,  that the new bill will destroy  demands  by  agitated  farmers
        BJP won a landslide victory  the Modi government intro- their  earnings  in those states.  and government has spilled
        winning 312 Assembly seats.  duced an agricultural reforms  Since both sides stand on their  blood on the roads of Uttar
        The party secured a 39.67 per  bill, which directs the farmers  remarks, the government still  Pradesh, which is the most pop-
        cent vote share in the elections  to sell their crops directly to  says that with the help of this  ulous state in the country.

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