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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          12

                                          jammu & kaShmir

                                 terror wave returns to

             the region with targeted killings

                                      of Hindus and sikhs

                 Pakistan-based terrorist groups are using hybrid terrorists to disrupt the

                            atmosphere of peace and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir

        our Bureau

        Srinagar/New Delhi

               wo government teachers
               were killed by terrorists
        Tin the Eidgah area of Sri-
        nagar on Thursday. Reacting to
        the killing, Jammu and Kash-
        mir DGP Dilbag Singh said that
        the civilians are being targeted
        to create communal tension in
        the Union Territory (UT). The
        union territory has reported
        several terror attacks in the last
        three days.
            Earlier on Wednesday, a
        street hawker was shot dead by
        terrorists in Srinagar. The inci-
        dent took place near Madina
        Chowk, Lalbazar where terror-
        ists fired upon the victim Viren-
        der Paswan. Paswan is a resident
        of Bihar’s Bhagalpur district and
        worked as a street vendor. He         Family members of a school teacher mourn over his alleged killing by militants near the Eidgah area of Srinagar,
        was residing at Alamgari Bazar,                                              in Jammu on Thursday (ANI)
        Zadibal. Police said a search
        operation was underway to nab  the  valley  has  become  difficult  the militants are surely trying to        demonstration  on  Thursday
        the terrorists. Also, a business- for the family. “We are still re- hamper the peace,” he added.              against the killing of civilians in
        man, Makhan Lal Bindroo, was  ceiving threat calls. Kashmir is               Srinagar Mayor Junaid Azim       Kashmir and demanded securi-
        killed by terrorists in Srinagar  not heaven, it’s hell. We’re are  Mattu also condemned the ci-              ty for the minorities, in Muthi
        on Tuesday evening.                  being targeted for the last 30  vilian killings that took place in       area of Jammu.
            Hours after two teachers  years,” Vicky said.                        Jammu and Kashmir on Thurs-              Protesting against the kill-
        were shot dead inside a gov-            “I reached here as his fam- day and appealed to all commu-            ings of the civilians, slogans were
        ernment school in Srinagar,  ily members contacted me. I  nities to stand together on this                    raised against the terrorists and
        the family of one of the victims  feel bad that such an incident  matter. Talking to media here,              patriotic slogans were chanted.
        Deepak  Chand  said  that  the  took place in Kashmir valley.  the Mayor said, “The elements                  Talking to the media, the Pres-
        situation in the valley is very  Chand’s  phone  has  been  cap- backed by Pakistan are behind                ident of the Migrant Welfare
        tensed and asked for govern- tured by the terrorists. We are  this. We should all come out on                 Committee,  Anil  Kumar  ques-
        ment’s support to monitor the  unable to trace the phone.  the streets and take a stand as                    tioned the government about
        situation.  Vicky,  a  relative  of  These terrorists who attacked  a society that we will not allow          their future. “We have been suf-
        Chand said, the family is still re- him are against the government  this.”                                    fering for the past 30 years, and
        ceiving threat calls and living in  here. The situation is tensed and        Kashmiri Pandits staged a           Continued on next page... >>

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