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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          11

        sortium  of  Investigative  Jour- tered by him on a different ad- propel Imran Khan to power                  aide of then-president Pervez
        nalists.                             dress and denied any role of the  three years ago.                       Musharraf.
            The documents revealed on  premier in this regard.”                      In  2007,  Pakistani  Gener-         The document has also re-
        Sunday more than 700 Pakistani          According to the ICIJ, Paki- al Shafaat Ullah Shah’s wife             vealed many key military leaders
        names. Among those whose  stan’s elites use of offshore ser- acquired a $1.2  million  apart-                 of Pakistan and intergeneration-
        holdings have been exposed are  vices that rivals the findings of  ment in London through a                   al wealth transfer. The findings
        Khan’s finance minister, Shau- the Panama Papers, which led  discreet offshore transaction.                   offer a portrait of an unaccount-
        kat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, and his  to Sharif’s downfall and helped  Notably, he had been a close                 able military elite with extensive
        family, and the son of Khan’s                                                                                 personal  and  family  offshore
        former adviser for finance and                                                                                holdings. Pakistan Prime Minis-
        revenue, Waqar Masood Khan.                                                                                   ter is surrounded with people -
        The records also reveal the off-                                                                              cabinet ministers and their fam-
        shore dealings of a top PTI do-                                                                               ilies, donors and other political
        nor, Arif Naqvi, who is facing                                                                                allies - who have holdings hid-
        fraud charges in the US, accord-                                                                              den offshore, according to ICIJ.
        ing to ICIJ.                                                                                                      Pakistan’s Finance Minis-
            Pakistan’s  civilian  govern-                                                                             ter Shaukat Tarin and some
        ment and military leaders who                                                                                 members of  his family own
        have been hiding vast amounts                                                                                 four offshore companies. Omer
        of wealth in a country plagued                                                                                Bakhtyar, the brother of Khan’s
        by widespread poverty and tax                                                                                 minister for industries, Makh-
        avoidance, said ICIJ. According                                                                               dum  Khusro Bakhtyar,  trans-
        to  ARY  News,  “the  owner  of                                                                               ferred a $1 million apartment
        two offshore companies regis-                                                                                 in the Chelsea area of London
        tered at a similar address as of                                                                              to his elderly mother through
        Prime Minister Imran Khan has                       Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan (ANI)                  an offshore company in 2018, as
        revealed that they were regis-                                                                                per ICIJ.

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